Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Sunday, May 23, 2010

~TEAM Finland Newsletter

Please NOTE!  The following is a newsletter sent out by the Alphins, missionaries to Finland, to all of their supporters.  They did not request that I post it on our Blog.  The emphasis in Bold or Italics are mine.  If you do not support them at this time and would like to become partners in TEAM Finland there are instructions at the conclusion of this newsletter.  Thank you for supporting the missionaries that are taking the gospel to the far reaches of our world. 

God bless you,
Jerry E. Powell

 Headed For the Finnish Line...

We are coming down the final stretch! We round the corner and see the Finnish line! Suddenly, a bit of unexpected news comes to our attention...
we have been using the incorrect budget number. Shock slaps us in the face! Disappointment throws a hurdle into our lane. Despair is shouting from the sideline!

Suddenly, Jesus reminds us that He is in control. We will be victorious! There will be an apostolic church in Finland!

Okay, is your head spinning? Ours was... so let us explain. There was a communique that was missed early on in the budget process. The warning flag was constantly showing up but, being "newbie's" to missions, we missed it. The result? More PIM's are needed. Including the ones that are being dropped due to nonpayment, we must garner (25) more $50 giving commitments.

Considering the Finnish economy, adjusting the budget downward is simply not an option. Doing so would limit our length of time in the field, causing us to return to the States earlier than usual. God plans to have a great outpouring in Finland, so it is well worth the wait. God will provide. He will speak to people like you and me.

It's times like this when the team needs to huddle, refocus, and come up with a strategy. And, that's exactly what we are doing. Our family has returned to our home state of Ohio. Over the next week, Mark will work to raise partners via phone calls. Glenda has been working to raise partners via email and newsletters. If the 25 needed commitments are not received prior to June 2, Mark will once more begin traveling while Glenda and the girls remain behind to begin the packing process. A July/August departure is still our goal!

Why is a July/August departure so important? We have 5 viable contacts, all located within the top 5 populated cities in Finland! At least one situation necessitates spiritual leadership as soon after June as possible. God has been setting His plan in motion, and we are doing all that we can to follow His timeline. We ask that you would help us pray for His perfect will to be accomplished.

Thank you in advance for your prayers and your support. We could not "do what we do" without you!

Personal versus Field...

What's the Difference?

Simply stated:

A Missionary Field budget includes funds for literature, training, field travel, and work funds.
A Personal PIM budget includes items that are for personal maintenance on the field.

Can You Help Us?

Ecclesiastes 3:1 speaks of the time and seasons, and how there is a purpose for each one. God knew that we would run into this "roadblock," which means He also has the answer. Could it include you?

If you have ever contemplated supporting God's vision for Finland, we ask for you to consider it once more. Will you take a step of faith with us?

"Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again." (Luke 6:38)

"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." (Mark 16:15-18)

You may not be able to go, but by giving, you are most certainly a part of the ministry that will take place there!

How can you sign up?

We are able to accept emails as written confirmations of a Partner in Missions giving commitment. We just need the following information:

Name - Mailing Address - Email Address - Amount Pledged - Pledge Start Date - Pledge Preference (Personal or Field)

Email the Alphin's (this option will enable both a personal or field PIM)

Foreign Missions has a commitment form located on their website.

http://www.foreignmissions.com/ - Follow the Support links (this option only allows for personal PIM's)

Some give by going. Some go by giving.

Thank you for the role that you play in TEAM FINLAND. We appreciate you!

Mark and Glenda Alphin
Miranda and Candace

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