Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Saturday, May 29, 2010

~Impact ASIA!

Impact ASIA

Mark Morgan

Greetings in Jesus name and I pray the grace of God be upon you!

First of all, I want to express my gratitude for all the prayer support and concern from everyone. As many of you were aware I was very apprehensive as to whether or not I should go on this trip to China and Singapore. However, after praying, and many of you praying, I felt it was right and God's strength and grace were upon us!

Our team consisted of Bro. Xenn Seah - Impact Asia Director, Bro. Billy Hale - Denver, CO., Bro. James Carney - Columbia, MS., Bro. Alonzo Dummitt - Ottawa, ON. Canada, and Bro. Tony Wyatt - Mt. Vernon, MO. and myself (Mark Morgan). Our team landed in the fabulous city of Beijing, China on Friday, April 9, 2010. We were weary and tired, but full of anticipation and excitement. The next day, Saturday, was set aside for some sightseeing and time to allow our body clocks to try to reset themselves.

                    Great Wall of China 

The real excitement, and the purpose of our trip,
 began to unfold on Sunday when we joined in service with Bro. Asaph and the church in Beijing. These precious saints had rented a hall for the day - and when I say "the day", I mean "the day"! Service began around 10:00 AM. and they were still going strong when our team left at 5:00 PM. Bro. Xenn said that their enthusiasm was so great that they didn't finish until around 7:00 PM. Apparently the police showed up shortly after they had left, but God's mighty hand protected them. In that service, 8 people receive the Holy Ghost!

Who can come to this ancient land of China and not take some time to venture and explore? And so we did! Monday again was a day to take in the sights and sounds.

Terracotta Warriors

We then flew to Xian, China, on Tuesday, where we began an evening training session with the brave and selfless leaders of the underground church. There were around 150 men and women in attendance, and from the very beginning it was evident that the hand of God was upon the meeting. I have never seen such hunger for the word or spirit of God! Classes went from 9:00 AM until 9:00 PM, and these precious people would have gone all night if possible. We were truly humbled to see their commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We also had the privilege of baptizing 4 of the leaders in Jesus name!

The team did an excellent job teaching and training and covered an array of subjects. Every service was marked with a tremendous move of God. Again the hunger was amazing to see among these wonderful people.

I am glad to report that Global Impact Ministries sponsored this meeting! It was like watching the infant church of the book of Acts all over again!!!

We departed China and then flew to Singapore on Friday. Singapore is also a very beautiful and unique country, and we took full advantage of our free time on Saturday to explore. Our main purpose for being in Singapore was to be with Bro. Steve Willoughby and the saints at Tabernacle of Joy. I believe that our visit was very timely and fulfilling. In all, there were 7 people who were baptized and 11 people who received the Holy Ghost. The Lord was gracious. I preached on "The Cup", and there was a tremendous move of God. Bro. Willoughby seemed very encouraged and felt like the Lord touched him in a special way. Please keep him in your prayers!

The leadership of Tabernacle of Joy has asked us to come back in the near future and spend several days there teaching and traveling to their mission points in Malaysia, China and Philippines. We are seeking God for his direction. The Singapore church has expressed a desire to partner with Impact Asia to have a major impact in Asia, and for that we are very excited!

Singapore's Waterfront

I want to say that Bro. Xenn Seah is the ultimate trip coordinator. I have never seen a trip so well put together. I have a new and deeper appreciation for Bro. Xenn and family. I would encourage those reading this to help support his ministry so he can do what God has called him to do. He takes several trips a year into China at his own expense so please consider helping this man of God fulfill his ministry

The entire team seemed to really be impacted by this trip and we all returned home with a great zeal to help promote what God is doing in China. The time for Impact Asia is now, and we need to take advantage of the momentum. I believe that we literally have a chance to help shape the spiritual destiny of the church in China and we must take full advantage of what God has afforded us. Please be in prayer and let us seek the wisdom of God for his direction in truly impacting Asia!

God bless!

Mark Morgan

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