Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Devastation in Guatemala, Central America

The following is a report from the UPCI/Missions Department:

We ask your prayers for the nation of Guatemala as it has been hit with a devastating tropical storm and volcanic eruptions.
As Brad Thompson writes below they are in desperate need of blankets, food, water and medications right now. CSI has already allocated funds to assist them with purchasing these items in Guatemala and will provide more as finances come in. We will also ship some supplies that we have on hand for immediate distribution.

Please join with us in responding to this great need as we truly show the love of Jesus Christ. You may send your checks to:

     8855 Dunn Road
     Hazelwood, MO 63042

You may also donate via our website http://www.compassionservices.org/.

Scotty Slaydon
Director Compassion Services International

Below is an update from Brad and Regina Thompson, missionaries to Guatemala.

I have spent most of the morning on the phone trying to get an assesment of the damages and immediate needs.

We have 2 pastor families who have lost everything. There are 3 other pastor families whose homes have been damaged and they have lost a lot of thier belongings. One family is presently in the home of another pastor and the other I just sent money to evacuate them to another city close by where we have shelter waiting for them. The 3 pastor families whose homes have been damaged have shelter in their church buildings.

In the churches we have confirmation of several families who lost thier homes and all they own. I have a list of over 25 faithful families who have lost everything. Many others have been evacuated and do not know what to expect when they return home. There are still some areas that we have been unable to communicate with, so reports are still pending. We are setting up temparary shelter for some of these families in churches and in homes of other church members. Thankfully we have no reports of loss of life or severe injury.

Immediate needs are for clothing, blankets, basic food items, drinking water and medicines. In some cases homes could be temporarily repaired with sheet metal and wood. Most needs can be met by sending money to the District Supervisors and they helping the families directly with what they need.

We are hearing some great testimonies of God's protection.

About 30 minutes ago the volcano erupted again. We went on to the roof of our house and watched it shoot hundreds of feet into the air. We are trusting it does not shower the city with more ash. The rains have stopped and flood waters are going down in many areas of the country. We appreciate everyones prayers and concern.

Brad and Regina Thompson


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