Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Monday, July 5, 2010

~Gratitude by Mark Alphin, missionary to Finland

Note!  I asked Bro. Alphin to write an article for the Blog and he sent the following.  It it much appreciated!

Gratitude The state of being grateful

When I sat down to write this article, the word “grateful” kept going through my mind. I turned to the dictionary to confirm my understanding of the word and found that “gratitude” is “the state of being grateful.” This bland definition caused me to want to go deeper, as words are sometimes used other than intended, definitions change, and a word’s origin gets lost in the process. My first discovery was not unexpected, as this word is derived from the Latin “gratus” or grateful – appreciation for benefits received. But the next discovery caught me off guard, as “gratus” also gave rise to the development of the word “grace!
This was a point of revelation, because my earlier word studies had shown that in most dictionaries, the first definition given is “unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification.”

Our family will have completed 29 months of deputations at the end of July 2010. The wisdom of our elders/mentors taught us that approximately one-fourth of our ministry would be to the American church. With this in mind, we approached every service as a chance to give of ourselves to the hosting congregation, seeking to see God’s purpose achieved in every service. Because of this, we witnessed true grace at work as many received miracles of physical and emotional healing, numerous backsliders return to Jesus, and new babies born into the kingdom.

We connected with countless people along the way, some of which will become lifelong friends. Over 1,600 people have joined Finland’s Intercessor Team, 300+ people have committed to financially support God’s vision in Finland, and many expressed a desire to become in the AIM program. This would have not have happened without deputation. Combine this with the personal growth that has occurred in my family, along with a greater understanding of His love and power, and the picture becomes even more clear.

Our family is truly grateful for the opportunities we have had to watch Jesus change lives. Yes, we can see God’s grace at work. Without His call, we would not have met you. Because of His grace, many of you have chosen to reach for a country without a church; with your help, this will no longer be the case! Your efforts and support of missions truly causes the Great Commission to be fulfilled. Because of God’s work through you, a country with no voice of truth will be able to experience the same love you and I know so well. And that, my friends, is the fulfillment of God’s grace.

Mark Alphin
Missionsary to Finland

1 comment:

  1. Bro. O'Keefe, and Bro. Powell,
    I REALLY like your "Missions News and Reviews". Great Job! I am always looking for new ways to spread the great news about revival around the world and about our wonderful missionaries. Something similar to this could be a blessing to our "Missionary Calendar" for SoCal. see www.socalupci.org
    Working together to help our missionaries.
    Duane Brookshier
    SoCal DFMD
