Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Belize Prayer Partner Update - 3rd Quarter 2010

Dear Prayer Partners,

Well, I'm back again with another update. I did miss the update last quarter, and I apologize. At the time I was in Canada and didn't have a lot of access to the Internet.

I do have a tremendous praise report for you, though. I had asked you to pray as I headed north during the winter months. I was quite worried about the possibility of having to drive in snow. You prayed and the Lord answered your prayers. During the entire time I was in the north, I did not even see snow anywhere, much less have to drive in it! Everywhere I went, people were telling me how unusual the weather was. I was happy to inform them that I had faithful Prayer Partners were praying and this was just an answer to prayer! Thank you for praying!!!

In February I was able to make a trip home to Belize to hold the General Assembly of Ministers. We were privileged to have our Regional Director, Bro. John Hopkins, as our guest speaker. I am happy to report that we now have 26 churches, 27 licensed ministers, and a constituency of 3000 people in the United Pentecostal Church International of Belize! During the Assembly we licensed 2 new ministers.

The first weekend of June I was able to make another trip home to be in the National Convention. Bro. Bruce Howell, the General Director of Foreign Missions, was our guest speaker. What a great time we had during this convention. We are praising the Lord for 52 filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost and 9 baptized in Jesus' name! The Spirit is moving in Belize!

One thing that was exciting to me as a testimony of how the Lord has changed the mindset of our pastors in Belize. When I first arrived in Belize, our Mayan pastors did not think that children could receive the Holy Ghost. At Children's crusades they would not even help us pray with the children in the altar. After much teaching and many Children's crusades where children did in fact receive the Holy Ghost, they finally began to participate with us in praying with the children. This year at convention, during the last service, a pastor came to me and said "My 9 year old son needs the Holy Ghost, please help me pray with him." Then he took me to where his child was. We began to pray and before long the little boy was speaking in tongues!

Thank you for being a part of what God is doing in Belize and for this grateful missionary. I love and appreciate you all. Thank you for your faithfulness in prayers.


Amy M. Sawyer
Missionary to Belize

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