Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Impact ASIA June 2010

Yesterday, I had the privilege of sitting in a meeting room in the presence of two great men of God. As I listened intently to their dream, their passion and their plan my heart was overcome with a kaleidoscope of emotions: Passion?; Burden?; An overwhelming sense of helplessness? In spite of these emotions I also experienced an eclipsing sense of excitement as the vision was articulated with such clarity and Godly courage.

 This was not the first time I had felt the pulse of my heart increase and the electric surge of faith overwhelm me. I have been in these power-packed and faith infused planning meetings before. I have heard these men many times as they shared their purpose; As they strategized and planned; As they became overcome with the burden of the task; As their eyes filled with tears; As their voices choked with emotion; As their passion could only be verbalized through a prayer of the Spirit. But yesterday, it became clear that the pieces of the planning puzzle were coming together like never before.

IMPACT ASIA: What a Challenge! What a Vision! What a Mandate!

Bro. Mark Morgan, president of Global Impact Ministries, Inc., is the catalyst behind Impact Asia. Through sundry witnesses of the Spirit he has come to realize the "second wheat field" that God showed him so many years ago is in fact the ripe harvest of the Asian Nations.

Bro. Xenn Seah, director of IMPACT ASIA, is the man that God has loaned to us to be a bridge between North America and the Asian Nations. He is a mighty man that God has miraculously raised up for such a time as this.

One cannot be around these men very long before it becomes apparent that God has connected them at this strategic hour. They are men who can and will orchestrate the foundational process of infusing the faith and doctrinal training that is needed to prepare the great nation of China for one of the greatest Apostolic revivals the world has ever seen.


The Mission of IMPACT ASIA is to teach and train native missionaries to impact their homeland nations with the Apostolic massage. In turn these nations will impact the world with a passion for the gospel and for the power of God that his name might be exalted. GLOBAL IMPACT MINISTRIES!


The Goal of IMPACT ASIA is to establish 6 bible schools in the next 5 years. Although target cities have been identified and we are currently working with key men in these areas, due to security concerns we cannot disclose the locations. Additional exciting growth plans are also in place that we believe will posture us to find favor with the China government in due time.

IMPACT ASIA is preparing to launch our new and improved IMPACT ASIA web site. There will be a separate site for each targeted nation. From this site, Global Impact Broadcasting will be able to broadcast doctrinal lessons, leadership training, and evangelistic preaching among many other venues.

Chinese Workman

IMPACT ASIA recently organized a trip to China in which a group of key Apostolic Pastors were given the opportunity to meet some of the Chinese Pastors. This connecting of the North American Pastors and the Chinese Pastors was a revolutionary meeting. Seeing first handed those who are working closely with us in building the groundwork for the revival that is happening was incredible.

How can you partner with us?

I know that many of you reading this newsletter are already asking that question. Let me tell you a few things you can do.

Join the Global 300 prayer team.

Schedule Bro. Xenn Seah to minister in your church or district. I promise you he will not disappoint you in his ministry or his burden. He is also willing to tell part of his personal testimony, which is both inspiring and miraculous.

Become a Financial Partner for Global Impact Ministries. Your investment will assist in promoting the Apostolic Message around the world. We are in the process of updating our website and recording studio to stay in stride with the needed technology for making our material accessible in a secure manner. You can support us by:

Making a one time contribution

Committing to monthly partnership

Becoming a Global 300 Platinum partner. This is a person or church that gives a minimum of $1,000.00 annually. We are believing God for 300 partners.

Become a Financial Partner for Bro. Xenn Seah. He is fulltime and our lifeline between North America and the Asian nation ministries. He is living by faith and personal support for him would be a tremendous blessing to IMPACT ASIA and to him and his family.

Become a part of the IMPACT TEAM.

Contact Information: 


Global Impact Ministries
P.O. Box 720039
San Francisco, CA 94172

Global Impact Ministries
3114 E. Sunset St.
Springfield, MO 65804

Bro. Xenn Seah: 209-523-7484

Fall of the Bamboo Curtain

We at Global Impact Ministries believe the world will soon see the fall of the Bamboo Curtain. It is our prayer and belief that the Apostolic church will be positioned to connect with the Chinese government and create an agreement that will allow our many underground churches to come to the surface. When that happens, nothing will stop the swelling tide of the Holy Ghost from igniting an Apostolic fire of revival that will sweep through the harvest fields of China and explode throughout the Asian nations. Will this be the end-time tide that ushers in the catching away of the Bride of Christ? We believe it could easily be! What an exciting and electrifying thought.

Can you feel the excitement? Can you see the harvest field? Can you believe with us for the greatest revival ever?

IMPACT ASIA! It's going to happen, get ready!


Larry Eddings
Global Impact Ministries Vice-President
Impact Asia Advisory Committee Secretary
Harvest Ministries Pastor

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