Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Friday, August 13, 2010

~Impact ASIA August 2010 - written by Barb Seah

Praise the Lord! Chan Mei Choo!

I recently had the awesome privilege of accompanying my husband (Bro. Xenn Seah) to Hong Kong, China, and Singapore. I cannot tell you how grateful I am to all that helped sponsor this amazing experience. Thank You! Xie Xie!

Please be encouraged that any effort you may be pouring into Asia: through prayers, financial giving, or visiting the land physically to prayer walk, teach or preach, is having a huge impact on what God is accomplishing among the people. God's people are STRONG and the winds of revival are STRONG! The hunger in the land is GREAT and God's people are delivering the Apostolic Truth far and wide!!

Many, many things impressed me and have left a mark on me during the three weeks we were there.

First of all, let me tell you!!! There is nothing "underground" about the "underground Church" in China. There is nothing "underground" about our Jesus and there is nothing "underground" about our message. We all know that the eyes of the Chinese people are "looking up" more and more - in the spiritual realm as well as in the natural realm. In fact, you would be very surprised to know where some of our new churches are located in China. On The Rooftops!
 Literally! I was amazed and in awe at how our God is situating His work in the major cities of China. Right there in plain view - if you would only look up!! The isolation of the rooftop, as well as the noise and the hum of throbbing city life make a perfect veil around these holy places.

I had the amazing privilege of visiting a work in one of these major cities. After literally walking through a construction site in the pitch black (with only the faint light of a weak flashlight), we made our way to the rooftop of a major downtown building. Across the rooftop was a truly amazing sight. An "Upper Room" came into view. The inside was an oasis for the wonder working power of our Jesus in the middle of a dry desert of communistic atheism. These saints are taking a major risk on a daily basis. If they happen to be discovered, they would be shut down immediately and with heavy consequences. Please pray for these brave and fearless saints who are risking everything for the cause of the cross! I believe their reward will be great.

I visited this work late at night and the place was buzzing with music practice, Bible Study and prayer. They were preparing for their service the next day in which 80 Chinese precious souls were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ!!

I had an opportunity to talk with some of our young people in China who are sold out for Jesus. They were young university students who are bombarded with atheistic, communist philosophy on a daily basis. You would be very proud to know that they have a great love and passion for their country and with all due respect for their teachers and government, they are boldly proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and winning their friends to the Lord.

The sights and sounds of Asia were amazing. What is a trip to China without walking on The Great Wall or visiting Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. My breath was taken away at every corner. Thank you Jesus for such an opportunity!

There were too many highlights to address in this short letter. Our pastors and leaders were strong and mighty through Christ in all places we visited: Hong Kong, various places in China and also in Singapore. The church is definitely in good earthly hands following direction of an awesome heavenly father.

It is not my place to reveal all of what is happening in the church behind the bamboo curtain. But, let me reassure you that soon you will stand with an open mouth and tears of joy in your eyes as we in North America continue to partner with our Asian brethren for the cracking of this bamboo curtain.

Barb Seah

Impact Asia Contact Information

Global Impact Ministries
P.O. Box 720039
San Francisco, CA 94172

Global Impact Ministries
3114 E. Sunset St.
Springfield, MO 65804

Bro. Xenn Seah: 209-523-7484

Prayer Walk Asia

We're conducting an intercessory prayer walk in China on October 14-26, 2010. Click here for details on how you can be a part of this incredible ministry opportunity.


PLEASE HELP US PRAY: We are in the process of establishing Bible Schools in 6 locations in China. You can well imagine that there is enormous red tape and strategy to be worked out. Please pray that God would give us wisdom and favor to get this job done. Pray especially for the leaders in underground China that they would be full of Godly passion and vision.


  1. Praise the Lord! Taking it to the rooftops as we continue upper room pentecost! God Bless our missionaries!!!

  2. Bro. Powell, you are doing a great job with this blog and the frequent updates. Keep up the good work!

    Terry Dworaczyk
