Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

~Revival report from Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona Commentary

Rev. and Mrs. Nathan A. Harrod
     ~Missionaries to Spain

Revival Update...

Month Of Harvest In Barcelona
This past month has been a month of harvest in the church that we pastor here in Barcelona. We have averaged well over 300 on Sundays and had eleven (11) receive the Holy Ghost and have baptized twelve (12) in Jesus name.

We are in desperate need to find a larger building. Please partner with us in prayer that God would open the doors for us to enter into a larger building. Our building is currently located in the heart of downtown Barcelona; like most metropolitan cities it can be difficult to find large buildings adequate for a church. But with God ALL things are possible! We are believing for a miracle!

Planting A New Church...Tarragona

There is a great need to start new churches throughout Spain. With over 46 million people in this nation, it is the only way to effectively reach this nation. Our goal is to plant a new church in the city of Tarragona by the end of this year.

This is an area with 700,000 people and no church. We have begun traveling to this city and have made several contacts and we are believing that we will have a new church in the city that claims to be the birth place of Pontius Pilate by the end of this year. Please pray for us that God would help us to impact this city with the Jesus name message.


We are thankful to have had AIMers Tommy and Brittanee Goodeux with us from Lake Charles, LA. Though they don't speak Spanish they didn't let that hinder them from reaching out to people around them. During their two months with us they were involved in preaching, singing, teaching Bible studies and were able to start a new "English speaking" home fellowship that grew to 10 people under their care. They were a great blessing to us and the church during their stay.

We are constantly looking for people who are want to come to Spain through the AIM program. There are many things that AIMers are able to help us and the churches with. If you know someone who is interested, please contact me by e-mail.

Thank you for all your prayers and support. Together we are claiming Spain in Jesus' name!

God Bless,
Nathan, Tanya, and Alaina Harrod

The Harrods - a beautiful family

Quick Links:
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-Interested in AIM


Prayer Request:


There is a great need to start a church in the country of Andorra. Andorra is a small country that borders Spain and France.

We have never had a missionary or church in that country. Please pray that God would open the door for us to start a church in Andorra and that God will help us to equip and raise up a man to establish as pastor there.

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