Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Saturday, September 11, 2010

~Impact Asia - Sept. 2010

Sept. 2010                                                Rev. Xenn Seah

As I was talking to Ethan regarding his testimony, he emphasized many times as to how delicate the details are. Ethan and his family are being mightily used of God in China and much of it is in plain sight of the Communist Government. Many details of this testimony will be kept vague to protect the endeavors of Ethan and his family.

Ethan comes from a Communist family and his father actually held position with the Communist Government. In no way did they believe in Jesus nor even entertain any thoughts about Jesus. Jesus was a complete "non-issue" with this family. Thankfully, this family was anything but a "non-issue" with Jesus! He saw something of value in them, as He sees in everyone. Jesus loved them and was reaching for them. Thank God they responded! Many souls in China depend on their response!

Along the way, Ethan's mother became very ill. Her health was failing her fast and there seemed to be nowhere to turn to. The doctors could not help her. In desperation Ethan's parents decided to listen a little more intently to Ethan's father about this Jesus. They heard about how Jesus can heal, so they began to pray and see what would happen. Well, they received their miracle and through this the family became believers!

Up until that time, Ethan was a weak student. His study habits and grades were poor and it was apparent that his chances of succeeding in China were also poor. Without a decent education to secure a decent job, life can be quite tough in China. Ethan's parents decided that they would begin to pray for their son to be able to get into a good school and make something of himself. Their prayers were specific and bold for a particular school they had in mind. This was a very good art school which was very difficult to get into. At the best of times the preparation required to apply was intense, let alone for a weak student, as Ethan was. He had only 2 weeks to prepare himself before he applied - a seemingly impossible task.

Meanwhile, Ethan's father developed a serious stomach and teeth condition. Once again they prayed, and once again they received a miracle of healing. This added more passion and belief to their prayers, and at this point they had enough faith to believe God for the impossible. They believed that this was not a selfish prayer just for personal gain. In fact, they had a desire to use this knowledge to compose and record music as worship unto God.

God truly is a faithful God. Not only was Ethan accepted into the Beijing Film Academy, but he passed all of his exams - both professional and academic! The blessings of God did not stop there. Ethan also secured a very good job with a local TV station right after he graduated! This was very unusual in the natural realm, but a minor detail in the spiritual realm! God proved that He was a prayer answering God, and He was leading all the way!

After some time of fulfilling this goal, little did Ethan know that this practical experience was only preparation for something far greater. God gave Ethan a vision in which he was to go to the United States and attend Bible School. When he related this vision to his parents they thought he was joking. This seemed to be the end of it - until his parents, themselves, were invited to the United States to minister.

Through a series of events they came into contact with Brother Xenn Seah. God's purpose started to come together. Meetings were set up and arrangements were made to attend Bible School in the United States. Ethan was set to embark on the next leg of his journey down the path that God was orchestrating for him. Not only was he accepted into the Bible School, but he also received a scholarship that was to provide the finances for a 4 year program. Although this family would be separated for the next 4 years, they were ecstatic with what God was opening up for them.

Ethan has proven himself to be a faithful, hard worker. While carrying a full course load, he has also made himself available to minister in various Chinese conferences when the time allows. He was in the United States for a full 2 years until he returned home this past summer during his school break. It was a time of refreshing and ministering. Much was accomplished with his family's music and worship endeavors. He recently returned back to the United States to resume his education. Although his heart and soul are still in China, he is now reaching his final stretch. He is confident in his God who so miraculously paved his way, and he looks to the future with much excitement and anticipation.

Author's note: I can assure you that this will not be the last time that you will hear of Ethan. I believe that Ethan and his parents have been hand picked to be very strategically used of God in China. I already mentioned that all details have to be kept vague, but I can tell you that if Ethan's whole story were to be told here, it would knock your socks off!!! I love inside information - don't you?!!!

Please pray for Ethan and his parents. Along with many other brave and fearless saints, they are also risking much for the furtherance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in China.

Impact Asia Contact Information

Global Impact Ministries
P.O. Box 720039
San Francisco, CA 94172

Global Impact Ministries
3114 E. Sunset St.
Springfield, MO 65804

Bro. Xenn Seah: 209-523-7484

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