Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Monday, September 13, 2010

~Missionary Prayer FOCUS Sept. 13th - Sept. 19th, 2010

Prayer Focus for Monday, September 13, 2010: Peter and Robin Gration (Papua New Guinea)

Prayer Focus for Tuesday, September 14, 2010: Adam and Maya Hunley (Middle East)
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Prayer Focus for Wednesday, September 15, 2010: Devin and Brandi Doyle (Grenada / Windward Islands)

Prayer Focus for Thursday, September 16, 2010: Scott and Nicole Carpenter (Russia / Kazakhstan)
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Prayer Focus for Friday, September 17, 2010: Jared and Kimberly Staten (Republic of Georgia)

Prayer Focus for Saturday, September 18, 2010: Bernhard and Shelley Suppan (Austria)

Our missionaries need, desire and appreciate your prayer. "...the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

Thank you for your faithful prayer and financial support!

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