Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Monday, September 13, 2010

~Surimane New Flash - Aug. 2010 **A Month in the Life of a Missionary


Suriname News Flash                                                           August 2010

August 2

~Ladies prayer meeting.

August 5

~Received residence permit extensions, good for two years.

August 6

~Youth prayer meeting.

August 8

Celebrated twenty-ninth wedding anniversary.

August 17-19

Basic Bible School classes in western Suriname. Twenty students present at least one night, nine students present all three nights.

August 20

Met new contacts in a village on the way back to Paramaribo. Hope to return for special services.

August 21

Advanced Bible School classes in Paramaribo. Three young people baptized afterward.

August 25

Happy twelfth birthday, Jason!

August 28

Basic Bible School classes in Paramaribo.

August 29

Basic Bible School classes at central prison.

As always, thanks for praying.

The Rhoads Family
~Missionaries to Suriname

NOTE!  The emphasis - bold, italics, underlining and font color are mine.
Jerry E. Powell

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