Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Saturday, September 18, 2010

~Missionary Prayer Focus - Sept. 19th - Sept. 26th, 2010

Prayer Focus for Sunday, September 19, 2010: Curtis and Amanda Scott ( Pakistan )

~Curtis and Amanda Scott

Prayer focus for Monday, September 20, 2010: Foreign Missions Staff
     ~No photo available

Prayer Focus for Tuesday, September 21, 2010: Cynthia White ( Middle East )

~Cynthia White
     Middle East

Prayer Focus for Wednesday, September 22, 2010: Mike and Jill Patterson ( Romania / Bulgaria )

~Mike and Jill Patterson
     Romania / Bulgaria

Prayer Focus for Thursday, September 23, 2010: Michael and Ivonne Walmer ( Uruguay )

~Michael and Ivonne Walmer 

Prayer Focus for Friday, September 24, 2010: Darry and Kathy Crossley (RD, South America )

~Darry and Kathy Crossley
     RD, South America

Prayer Focus for Saturday, September 25, 2010: Bennie and Theresa DeMerchant ( Brazil )

~Bennie and Theresa DeMerchant

Prayer Focus for Sunday, September 26, 2010: Paul and Darla Brochu ( France )

~Paul and Darla Brochu

**NoteThank you for your continued prayer and financial support - without your support it would be very difficult, if not impossible, for these missionaries to be in the countries where God has called them to labor. 

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