Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

~Report from Estonia - Nate and Ingunn Turner family


Nate and Ingunn Turner family
 On Site! We arrived in Estonia in June. The first weekend after our move, a ministry team stayed in our home and baptized six people in Jesus’ name! Over the summer, the Lord helped us to establish a weekly schedule with a Sunday service in our home, a home group meeting, a prayer meeting, a Bible study, an English club to generate new contacts and, last but not least, Estonian language classes!

Pastor Briggs
 The last weekend in September a group from Ingunn’s home church in Norway led by Pastor and Sister Briggs joined us for evangelism in Tallinn. During this time, we had our first meeting in a rented hall with 20 Estonians attending! The Spirit moved in a great way, and people were speaking in tongues and some laid out on the floor praying. All had already received the Spirit, but were powerfully renewed and refilled. We rejoice over what God is doing!

While passing out invitations, we met people who expressed a need for God. One young lady said, “After the Soviet Union, for 20 years now, we’ve had access to religion. But I don’t know much. I need something to fill my life with meaning!”
First service in a rented hall


The church in Tallinn was without a pastor for over two years before our arrival, and our first task has been to reestablish this work in the capital city. Our first service (pictured below) was held in our home. As of this fall, we are renting a hall once a month in preparation for the official re-launch of the Tallinn church in September 2011.

Our first service was held in our home


Teaching from the Word of God

Pray for the Turner family and
the country of Estonia that God
will give them a great harvest in
a short time.

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