Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Thursday, October 28, 2010

~News Reports and Highlights from the Mission Field

TANZANIA: The E. L. Freeman Bible Institute in Moshi, Tanzania, was built in the mid-1980’s by former missionaries Brother and Sister Tim Simoneaux. The first class graduated in 1987. Since then, the school has been a vital part of the United Pentecostal Church of Tanzania, training ministers and leaders. To make Bible training more accessible to ministers, saints and ministerial candidates, a plan was developed to build satellite Bible schools in the cities of Mwanza for the western regions and Iringa for the south/central regions. The Bible school in Moshi will continue operation, giving us three Bible school locations.—Richard and Pamela Smoak, Tanzania/Burundi

COSTA RICA: We had a Holy Ghost rally on Pentecost Sunday at one of the churches close to our area. In that service, twenty people were filled with the Holy Ghost! We are so thankful for the outpouring of the Holy Ghost in Costa Rica!—Paul and Stephanie Rivero, Costa Rica

GUATEMALA: It began as a series of small earthquakes, but then the Pacaya Volcano erupted spewing volcanic rock and lava over 4,000 feet into the air. Guatemala City was covered in 3 inches of ash. Hundreds of our church families lost their homes and seventeen churches were damaged or destroyed.—Brad and Regina Thompson, Guatemala
Tropical Storm Agatha hit immediately afterward causing wide spread flooding, hundreds of land slides and a giant sink hole in the heart of the capital.

PARAGUAY: Each Friday morning we have the opportunity to minister to a group of men in a local prison, and God has been moving in a powerful way. The leader of this group, Balentín, reports there are twenty-five or thirty men who are ready to be baptized in Jesus’ name in the nearby river! Please pray that God will “open the doors” for this to happen!—Vladimir and Kim Goodrum, Paraguay

SPAIN: Our annual National Convention was held in December, in the capital city of Madrid. We were privileged to have Missionary Charles Robinette (Austria) and Pastor Issác Sauceda (Houston, Texas) as our special speakers. Each service was powerful and anointed. The convention was a great success with an attendance of over 1,400. God moved in such a mighty and powerful way. During the two days of services, God filled 170 people with the Holy Ghost. The thirty-seven churches in Spain have been blessed by the results of this convention.—Nathan and Tanya Harrod, Spain

BANGLADESH: We thank the Lord for allowing us to conduct a second Crusade in 2010 in the southwest region of Bangladesh. The Lord moved in a great and mighty way through signs and wonders as thousands were healed, and over 2,000 received the Holy Ghost. Thank you Reverend John Arcovio and team for partnering with the work of the Lord in Bangladesh and the sacrifices each of you have made to be a part of this powerful move of God!—James and Elizabeth Corbin, Bangladesh

LESOTHO: In March 2010,The Pentecostals of Maseru set an attendance record of 209 people during a regular service! Our current yearly totals for the Pentecostals of Maseru are as follows: We have had 429 visitors, forty-three people filled with the Holy Ghost and forty-three baptized in Jesus’ name! Thank you, Jesus! Our pastors’ and leadership development seminars are also doing well. We were able to share the DVDs from the “All Africa” meetings from last year as well as BOTT 2010! We would like to thank Brother and Sister Mangun and the Pentecostals of Alexandria for providing the material!—David and Alice Kline, Lesotho

GREECE: Pentecost has not been in crisis. We are having revival! For the last three months, we have had the assistance of Brother and Sister Holquin, who have dedicated themselves to train and evangelize our Spanish group at Crossroad. They have had a great impact and there is a move among this group! It was a privilege also to have Brother and Sister Williams, Ellis and Stickler. They, along with a group of 80 from Apostolic Youth Corps, helped with our VBS evangelism in the city and preaching in all the Greek churches and Macedonia. We had a great move of God, with one baptism and two filled with the Holy Ghost!—Jonathan and Maria Strickland, Greece

LIVERPOOL: Great news from Liverpool! We are about to obtain the building permits to build a community center by renovating our old sanctuary. There is an estimate for £280.000.00 to complete the project. We have taken the church to the community, now we will bring the community to the church. We are located in one of the worst neighborhoods in the United Kingdom with drug and alcohol abuse, unmarried mothers, violence, burglary, the highest abortion rate in England and on and on! We have made tremendous strides in effecting the local area. We have local authorities on board already wanting to move their offices into the centre. Rehabilitation facilities will be in place and education for the youth of the area in all aspects of life. Members of Parliament, Councilors, Lord Mayors, police force, local residents and church members are all on board. We need your help in any way you can find possible through finances, materials and prayer. Help us bring the community to the church!—John and Sherri Hemus, United Kingdom

FRANCE: Eighty young people from around France met for a youth retreat this past April in the region of Alsace. At the outset of the meeting Brother Nathan Hulsman, the special speaker for the event, asked who had not received the Holy Ghost. Seven young people responded. The first night of the retreat all seven seekers were filled with the Holy Ghost! On Saturday night of the retreat the youth spent almost two hours in prayer, and then shouted and rejoiced for an hour. They did not leave the meeting until 11:30pm that night. We thank God for the way that he touched and encouraged the youth of France.—Marcus and Renee Brainos, France

Please continue to pray for our missionaries around the world.  They are counting on YOU!

Reports from 'Focal Points,' a publication of the UPCI/Foreign Mission's Department

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