Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Saturday, October 30, 2010

~Report from Portugal - 3rd Quarter


William and Bonnie Markham

Pastor's wives

Here are some of our pastor’s wives and ladies leaders in Portugal. We appreciate their faithfulness and their hard work for the Lord and also for helping their husbands fulfill the call of God in their lives.

We would like to thank Pastor Larry Sims of Florida for coming to Portugal. His leadership training studies motivated, challenged and blessed each one in attendance. It was a powerful three days.


Pastor Mauricio baptizing a new convert.       

Interpreting for Pastor Larry Sims of Florida

Dear Partners,

Once again Bonnie and I would like to thank you for your faithfulness in supporting us with your finance and prayers. Without you none of this would have been possible. We are blessed to have you as our partners. You are the best!

Please continue to pray for and support our missionaries with your finance as they take the 'whole gospel to the whole world.'

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