Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Friday, November 12, 2010

~Missions for YOUR children - An Opportunity to TEACH and TRAIN!

**Note! - Are your children involved in Missions? Do you encourage them to pray for our missionaries? How are the children in YOUR church participating in Missions? Are you teaching them about different countries and the missionaries that labor and serve there? Do your share reports of miracles and great evangelism thrusts and the many people receiveing the Holy Ghost around the world?

What an opportunity we have to involve our children!  Have you ever had or considered having a
'Childrens Missionary Faire,' or a 'Sunday School Missionary Faire?' Of course there are many other things that can be done also...for more information contact the WD Foreign Missions Dept. or send me an e-mail at jpowell@wdfmd.com.


The Alphin Family, Missionaries to Finland

Jesus Loves You, No Matter Your Age
By Bro. Alphin
I want to share a couple of exciting testimonies with you. They are about two people who both wanted to receive the Holy Ghost. One was young, and the other was much older.

During a service in Napa, California, Jesus' presence was so sweet. While everyone was praising Him, I noticed a young girl praying while sitting by her mother. When she finished, I went to her and asked if she would like to receive the Holy Ghost. She answered, 'Yes.' I then asked her if she believed Jesus would fill her with His spirit right then, and she replied, 'Yes.' I asked her to say a simple prayer with me, and we asked Jesus to clean her heart and forgive her of anything that made Him sad. Afterwards, I told her that since her heart was clean, Jesus would give her His Holy Ghost. She began to worship Him, and in just a few minutes, she was speaking in a language she had never known as Jesus came to live inside her heart.

After a service in Exeter, California, I was talking with the Pastor in his office when his wife brought a lady, who was about 84-years-old, into the room. She said that she did not want to leave without receiving the Holy Ghost. After we prayed a prayer of repentance together, she began worshipping Jesus. In just a few moments, she started to speak in tongues as He came to live in her heart.

Both of these people received the gift of the Holy Ghost in just a few minutes. When you pray, just remember that Jesus does not look at your age. He looks at your heart. He will fill anyone with His spirit when they make their heart available to Him. It does not matter if you are 5 or 85! Jesus loves each one of us and wants to make His home in our heart!
Prayer Requests

We are still waiting for the government in Finland to give us permission to live there. Sometimes, it takes a long time to hear them say 'Yes.' Will you help us pray that we don't have to wait so long?

Our family will need to find a place to live in Helsinki that is big enough for all four of us, but also doesn't cost too much money. Sometimes, it's not so easy to find exactly what we need! But, we know that Jesus can find us the perfect apartment, or house, to live in. Will you pray that He will help us?

Thank you for praying with us. We enjoy sharing with you! :)
A Cool Prayer Tool Idea!

We want to share a cool prayer tool with you! Before we became foreign missionaries, we had the most amazingly fun job at our church: teaching children why it was important to believe what our pastor, and their parents, were teaching them about the Bible. We had a Bible study with them every Wednesday night! We talked about so many different things, but one of our favorites was prayer. God talked to us and gave us very special lessons, and one of them included a craft: making a prayer wheel for them to use during their prayer time at home! We also made special prayer wheels that we used with them at church, too.

We thought that you might enjoy making a prayer wheel, so we decided to share ours with you! We hope that you like this idea!

Directions (you'll want to ask an adult for some help):

Print the prayer wheel (you may need to save as a file on your pc first before printing). The prayer wheel works best when it's printed on thicker paper, but it could also be printed on plain paper, then glued onto something else.

Color it first, then cut it out and finish it however you would like. To make it turn, you can use a brad (it's a round gold thing with 2 pieces of metal that bend outwards - they can be bought at an office supply store). If you can't get one, ask an adult for another good idea!

Did you know? There are currently over 500 people living in Finland who are 100 years old or more!

The Lapponian herder lives in the northern part of Finland. It is used by the Sami (the people who live in the Lapplands) to herd and guard reindeer. They are supposed to be a very friendly type of dog!


The Mark Alphin Family - UPCI Missionaries to Finland
Mark, Glenda, Miranda, and Candace
c/o UPCI Foreign Missions Division - Account #98894
8855 Dunn Road, Hazelwood, Missouri 63042

**Pastor and Parents - use this as an opportunity to teach and "...train up a child..." Teach them to PRAY, to be COMPASSIONATE, to be CARING and CONSIDERATE of others!

Please share the above with your children and the children of your church. REMEMBER, many missionaries were called when they were children!

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