Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

~A Thanksgiving Message - "...be thankful unto Him and bless His name!


It is a time when our thoughts turn to turkey and dressing, pies… and overeating. Many are excited about the coming rush of back-to-back football games, family outings, Black Friday… where does one’s mind stop? We must take care not to forget the reason behind the name of the holiday.

This year I find myself in a unique situationliterally caught between two worlds. My heart is torn between my desire to be in the land of my calling, Finland, and the call of family and my love for America. However, as my thoughts turn to Thanksgiving, they are not all about our calling. Please consider my following thoughts and consider how they may translate into your life.

I am thankful that God brought truth into my life!

I remember the path I was walking when Jesus stepped into my life and gave me a second chance. How wonderful it is to know the Jesus loves me that much. The life that I had been living placed me on a path to destruction. He rescued and brought me to a place where He can trust me with the souls of an entire country. As I contemplate what He has done, I see no other option but to answer 'Yes' when He speaks.

I am thankful that I am an American!

The popular media deluges us with pictures of those who hate America, yet ignores the fact that in every country in the world, there are lines of people waiting for an opportunity to have a chance to come live 'The American Dream.’ In spite of our 'problems,' we still live in the greatest country on earth! God has blessed us, and the whole world recognizes it.

I am thankful for my friends!

The last thirty-two months have allowed me to touch lives that I would have never met. The friendships along the way have been so refreshing, and I thank God for each one. Many of you have touched our lives in ways that are hard to express.

I am thankful for family!

This season is especially unique to me. My father-in-law, Rev. Jack Sword, is currently recovering from a hip replacement, and has another scheduled next month. I am reminded of how thankful I am that the Sword family knows the comforting and healing power of Jesus.

On my side of the family, there is turmoil. My father, Bartes Alphin, is currently hospitalized due to heart problems. The doctors are working especially hard to help him regain strength, thus far without success. Sadly, most of my family does not rejoice in the hope that Glenda’s family holds dear, so confusion tends to reign at times. I am hoping that through this trial, 'little brother' can be a light of salvation to my brothers and sisters. As I spoke to my father on the telephone last night, his thoughts were on Heaven. He told me he has been thinking about the wondrous beauty of his future home. I could hear the expectancy in his voice as he commented, "I’m not ready to rush it, but I can’t wait to get there!” The peace of knowing his final destination was so sweet. Yes, I am thankful for family. I pray that I can become the Christian my father is, for I am so thankful for my heritage.

I am thankful for health!

This past year has been a 'wake-up call' for me. Although I would never admit it in the past, I lived my life as if I were indestructible. You know those thoughts, 'God has a call on my life and as long as it is unfinished, nothing can hurt me.' We may not verbally say those words, yet we all think them from time to time. As I watched my blood pressure rise and my energy level fall, I began to realize just how important one’s health to living an overcoming life. I remember my father’s first heart attack, suffered while he was in his 50’s, and I am not far from that age bracket. I am thankful that I have an apostolic doctor and friend who is helping me regain the 'territory of good health' that I have lost.

I am sure that as you read through this your own life was woven in your thoughts. I want to end with one of the most difficult scriptures to obey:

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
I Thessalonians 5:18
Do I thank Him for my hypertension? No, but I do thank Him for giving me the warning that I must be more conscious of His gift of health.

Do I thank Him that my father is ill? No, but I do thank Him that I can be a light of salvation to my family.

Do I thank Him for the pain that my father-in-law is experiencing? No, but I do thank Him for giving man the knowledge to invent artificial joints that will allow him to regain his mobility.

I thank Him for the friendships generated, those who have received the Holy Ghost, and the miracles that have occurred through the ministry He has allowed us to enjoy.

I am thankful that the United States has the ability to send and finance missionaries so that we, and others, can share the gospel to the whole world.

I will forever be thankful to the truth of His love as He has rescued me from my past and gave me a bright future!

I encourage you to take a moment this month to make a mental list of the things that matter to you and thank our Savior for His rich blessings.

Mark Alphin, missionary to Finland


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