Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Sunday, April 17, 2011

~Christian Life Centre of Malta - Moving to a New Home


New Home of Christian Life Centre - Malta ~first service on Easter Sunday 2011

Kirby and Mary Parker, United Pentecostal Church International appointed representatives to Malta, are thrilled to announce the news that Christian Life Centre, the Church they sponsored in 2002, has a new home. After nine years in the original location, a door has been opened of the Lord to expand and grow. The four hundred seat theater complex of the St. Vincent de Paul Senior Residence will host the first Worship Service on Easter Sunday, the 24th of April.

The Parkers, with their fifteen year old daughter Rebecca, arrived in Malta in May of 2002. There was no one to welcome their arrival at the airport, no church building to move into, no nucleus of saints expecting them. They came to Malta to pioneer a New Work for the Lord Jesus, with the Message of One God in Christ and the Acts 2:38 Salvation Plan.

In the nine years the Parkers have been in Malta, hundreds have gathered from more than forty countries around the world to hear the Life Changing message of Jesus Christ. Many have been baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus and have been filled with the Gift of the Holy Ghost.

One of the early group photos:

Christian Life Centre, 2003. Pictured are Kirby and Mary Parker, daughter Rebecca (r.), John and Kelly De Luca of Oceanside (l.), and Maltese believers: Kevin and Stephanie O’Niell, with son Liam.

Malta is located sixty miles south of Sicily in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea. It is best known as being the Island where the Apostle Paul was shipwrecked in about 60 A.D. The Bible account is told in Acts Twenty Seven and Twenty Eight. With the later exploits of the medieval Knights of Malta of the 16th Century, and the amazing story of survival during the fierce Axis bombing of WWII, Malta is proud of its place in history.

Sis. Mary Parker standing in front of new church complex

Christian Life Centre with the Sullivan family from Citrus Heights, CA

1 comment:

  1. Missionary Alan DemosApril 19, 2011 at 8:04 AM

    Thrilled with the news! We had a blessed time with the Parkers this past Christmas and New Year's. Don't go to Malta for vacation - they will keep you busy! ha! We had regular services, home services, and numerous personal visitations. This is surely a step of faith, but God has the Parkers in contact with some wonderful people. Surely God will give the increase!
    Alan Demos - Missionary to Germany on furlough in Florida!
