Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Sunday, April 17, 2011

~HELP Needed for Bihar, India Oneness Outreach Seminar

Dear Partners-in-Missions,

Praise the Lord!

We greet you in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ and pray that this email finds you blessed of the Lord! The Lord has been so good to our family and the work of the Lord here in Bangladesh and we are blessed!

We thank the Lord for the great work that He is doing here in Bangladesh and we look forward to a greater outpouring of the Holy Ghost in the great land and hungry people of Bangladesh.

Praise Report;

Recently, Rev. Patrick Miller and I (Rev. James Corbin) were blessed to travel to a new field in the southwest of the country for ministry. Each night hundreds of hungry souls attended these special revival services and the Lord moved in a mighty way! As the Word of the Lord went out and faith began to rise, God began to move in a mighty way healing the sick and delivering the oppressed. People were healed of tumors, back ailments, etc. in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! The Holy Ghost was poured out in a great and mighty way. 66 received the Holy Ghost, 9 were baptized in Jesus name and over 60 were healed in Jesus name. We thank the Lord for all that He is doing and for this new field opening up for the gospel in Jesus name.

We need your help;

As many of you know, we have been ministering in various areas of India (especially West Bengal/Kolkata). During the month of May 2011 (4-6) Lord-willing we will be conducting a Oneness Seminar in Patna Bihar as an outreach to non-Apostolic pastors.

Bihar, India; Bihar is the third most populated state of India with total population of 82,998,509. Population Density; 2,855.2 people per square mile. Bihar is renown for being the place where Gautama Buddha (founder of Buddhism) received supposed enlightenment, and the birthplace of the founder of Sheikhism (hybrid or combination of Islam and Hindhuism).

There are 62 pastors/ministers or teachers that have expressed their desire to attend this Oneness Outreach Seminar and we desperately need your help. We currently need 2,000$ to help make this vision from the Lord a reality. Bihar, India has been a state that has suffered the results of war, strife and turmoil and consequently neglect both spiritually and physically. We need your help to help turn this around in Jesus name. It is time for true spiritual enlightenment in Bihar, India, which can only come for the Lord in Jesus name! “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” (John 8:36)

If you would like to help with this special need, please send all donations as follows;

Project; (earmarked) Bangladesh Evangelism 103.FA.033215.25.2501.1.110997#

Foreign Missions Division
8855 Dunn Rd.
Hazelwood, MO. 63042
(Please email with information on what you can do.)

We are so thankful for each and every one of you and the many investments that you have made into the kingdom of God in Bangladesh, India and around the world. Thank you so much for the difference that you are making in the kingdom of God!

May God richly bless you,

The James Corbin family
(UPC of Bangladesh)

*Please note! Bro. Corbin sent this letter to his PIMs of which I am a recipient. He did not request that I post this to our blog. I am asking that you PRAY about this need and if God puts it in your heart to give follow the instructions as given in this letter. Please HELP if you can and may God continue to bless you!

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