Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Thursday, April 28, 2011

~Featured Missionary and Country of the Week - Steve Willoughby/Singapore


Steve Willoughby
Region(s): Pacific
Field(s): Singapore

Bio: Steve Willoughby received his missionary appointment to Malaysia and Singapore in October 1986. He wrote: “God promised that if we would go to World Conference in Manila, Philippines, we would receive direction for our life. It was on our return from Canton to Hong Kong that we were recruited by the regional director of Asia to be AIM furlough replacements for Allan Shalm in Karachi, Pakistan. "Thus began our missions journey. Pakistan, Thailand, and Malaysia seemed to be an around-about way to get into the perfect will of God, but that is what we believe happened when we moved to Singapore.” After receiving their missionary appointment and completing deputation, the Willoughbys lived in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, until God miraculously provided resident visas so they could live in Singapore. The growing Singapore church reflects the Willoughbys’ joy, sincerity, and evangelistic zeal.


Republic of Singapore
Area Coordinator: R. Steven Willoughby
Population: 4,500,000
Area: 239 sq. mi.
Capital: Singapore City
Languages: Chinese, Malay, Tamil, English (all official)
Religions: Buddhist, 29%; Christian, 19%; Islam, 16%; Taoist, 13%

The Republic of Singapore encompasses one main island and some 63 smaller islands off the tip of the Malayan Peninsula. It is the smallest country in Southeast Asia. Singapore is one of the world’s largest ports and has become an international banking center. Since gaining independence, Singapore has seen its standard of living rise dramatically. Foreign investment and government-led, island-wide industrialization have created a modern economy based on electronics and manufacturing. In terms of gross domestic product per capita, Singapore is the eighteenth wealthiest country in the world. Dale and Josephine Starks were the first United Pentecostal Church missionaries to Singapore. They arrived in November 1981. The Singapore church has 1,120 constituents, seven licensed ministers, and two churches and preaching points. Steve Willoughby stated, “Tiny Singapore is in the crossroads of nations. Lying about halfway between India and Japan, it is a hub of commerce, transportation, and prosperity. It has, in only three decades, gone from third world to first. Jesus impressed us that what was done in the natural is a mirror of what He has destined for the spiritual. He put in our heart to believe that Tabernacle of Joy is the ‘Antioch of the East,’ a Book-of-Acts teaching, training, sending, and receiving station for the nations of the 10/40 window. The ‘Deep Calleth Deep’ conference plunged Southeast Asia into the depths of revival. Singapore’s Tabernacle of Joy through their ‘Barnabas Project’ gathered more than 60 apostolic leaders from 17 nations along with hundreds of saints into five power-packed days of revival. It was awesome!”

Singapore was founded as a British trading colony in 1819. It joined the Malaysian Federation in 1963 but separated two years later and became independent. Singapore subsequently became one of the world's most prosperous countries with strong international trading links (its port is one of the world's busiest in terms of tonnage handled) and with per capita GDP equal to that of the leading nations of Western Europe.

Please continue to PRAY for Bro. Willoughby's healing, health, and strength.

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