Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Monday, April 25, 2011

~Suriname News Flash 3: Spring 2011 - Rhoads Family Newsletter

The Rhoads Family
Missionaries to Suriname

United Pentecostal Church International
Foreign Missions Division
8855 Dunn Road
Hazelwood, MO 63042

Spring 2011
Prison Baptismal Service
A few years ago we baptized our first contact from the central prison of Suriname. Since that time sixteen more inmates have been baptized in the same facility.

Last year the original contact, along with another one of those baptized, was transferred to a different facility. They began witnessing to prisoners in their new location, and informed us that two men were ready for baptism. Later the number grew to four or five and we wrote a letter to the authorities requesting permission to hold a baptismal service.

Permission for the service was granted for February 25, and as the day grew closer the number of baptismal candidates grew to six. We arrived at the prison, set up the portable baptismal tank, and found nine people ready to be baptized.

As we taught about baptism, one of the inmates asked a question. When we gave him a biblical answer he got up from his seat and went to sit with those awaiting baptism, making the number ten. Another joined the group before it was over, and a total of eleven people were baptized that day!

(One of the eleven inmates being baptized in the portable baptistry)
Recent Happenings in Suriname
God is doing great things in Suriname. A few events from the last few months are mentioned below.

Ministers in Training meetings were started in the capital city church.

Friend Sunday was held in Paramaribo, with twenty visitors present.

One inactive minister was reinstated and one transferred from the UPC of Guyana. The UPC of Suriname now has four licensed ministers.

Men’s retreats were held in the western and central regions.

A new congregation was started in the Saramacca District. The UPC of Suriname now has three churches.

A twelve-year-old boy, who first started attending church in 2003, was baptized.

Fifty-six ladies attended the western and central region ladies’ retreats. Three ladies received the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Monthly Bible school classes were continued at the central prison.

A seventy-six-year-old man, the father-inlaw of an Amerindian captain, was baptized in Jesus’ name.

We Appreciate You! Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support. We appreciate your faithfulness.

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