Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Thursday, May 19, 2011

~And Away We Go!

AIMers Doug and Nannette Elkins leaving for Latvia 

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind, but the light has begun to shine at the end of the tunnel! We had been unable to schedule an exact departure date due to a couple of items that were still in front of us. Thankfully, those were resolved last week, and we are on track to leave May 24th for the next phase of Faith Journey! We are truly excited to be counting down the days until we board the plane for Latvia. There is still much to be done before we leave, so we ask that you continue to keep us in your prayers that all will be accomplished in a timely fashion.

We have been blessed since our relocation back to Bloomington, IN to be able to minister in some awesome churches in the area, and we still have a couple of engagements before we leave. A heartfelt thanks to all of you that have been such a blessing to us during this term of our fund-raising travels.

Doug & Nannette


Bookmark our website so that you can keep up with all the details of our Journey. Once we are on location, we will be posting pictures and blog entries to keep all of you in touch.


We are still in need of additional partners to help us reach our budget goal. Please see our support page for details on how you can become an important part of the team!

**Note! I was not ask to post this on behalf of the Elkins family. 

Bro. and Sister Elkins are still in need of support and if you would like to help them please access their website above for instructions. It would be much appreciated.

Thank you,
Jerry E.  Powell

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