Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

~Western District FMD - New Leadership


Bro. Donald O' Keefe, former missionary to Africa; specifically to the country of Sierra Leone, pastor of the UPC of Bay Point,CA and our District Foreign Missions Director for the last eight years did not allow his name to be considered again for this position at our District Conference. We give honor to this great man of God for his faithful years of service to God and to this district for the cause of Missions. It has been my privilege to serve with him for the last year and a half; he is a man with a great burden for the lost and a deep love for missions and the missionary. Bro. O' Keefe is a man who exemplifies Christian character and conduct, values, honesty and integrity; a man who is esteemed and respected by his brethren.  Bro. O' Keefe, thank you for serving the Western District in this capacity. We love you!


Bro. Michael Hanks, pastor of the UPC of Ceres, CA was elected to serve in the position of Foreign Missions Director in the Western District. Bro. Hanks has served the Foreign Missions board as Director of Region One for several years. At the time of his election he was presbyter of Section four in the Central Valley and is giving up that position to serve as Director of the Western District Foreign Missions Department. I have known Bro. Hanks for a number of years and we served together on the FM board for approximately one year. He has the work of God at heart, loves missions and will do a great job in his new responsibility. Bro. Hanks - Welcome aboard as the new Director! We love you and are looking forward to a long and prosperous working relationship for the greatest CAUSE on earth - Missions!

Please join me in extending our appreciation and gratitude to Bro. Donald O' Keefe for his untiring years of faithful service to the Foreign Missions Department.

Also, join me in welcoming Bro. Michael Hanks as the newly elected Director of the Foreign Missions Department. We pray God's blessings upon you!

You may send your expressions of gratitude to Bro. O' Keefe at the following e-mail address - dhokeefe@sbcglobal.net...

And you may welcome Bro. Hanks at mwhanks@sbcglobal.net.

Many thanks to all of you for your kindness and thoughtfulness to each of these brethren and to our department. It is much appreciated.

Jerry E. Powell/WD Foreign Missions Department Promotion Director

Don Demyan - Director, Region One
Richard Grandquist - Director, Region Two
John Thomas - Secretary/Director, Region Three
Morgan Underwood, Honorary Director

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