Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Sunday, May 1, 2011

~CSI Relief for Southern States - Please HELP!



Tornadoes tear through Southeast!

April 27, 2011 is a day that will long be remembered by those living in the paths of the tornadoes that swept through several Southern and Midwestern states. Vehicles, homes, businesses and as well as human lives were taken by the storms. The devastation left behind is beyond words or imagination. Put yourself in their place. Where will you sleep? How will you get food for your kids? How can you get to your job, or does your place of work even exist anymore?

Compassions Services International (CSI) is assisting with bottled water and food to help those affected in Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia and Missouri. We are coordinating our efforts with the district superintendents and will do all that we can to be a blessing in each of these states. We will be sending finances through the districts as well to assist families in putting their lives and homes back together.

Yes, they need our contributions but most importantly those affected by these storms need our prayers. Please mention them in your prayer time today.

You can help by sending your offerings to:

8855 Dunn Road
Hazelwood, MO 63042

Or, TEXT your donation today!

As needs develop and become more defined we will keep you posted on how you can help.


Scotty Slaydon
Director CSI

**Below is a list of supplies needed to HELP in these storm devastated areas. PASTORS and LEADERS please make an appeal to your church and appoint a coordinator to receive and send the supplies to the address listed below. Thank you in advance for showing compassion to those whom you will probably never meet or know.



Alabama Disaster Relief Central base

Feel free to ship supplies or take them personally. Any questions, please contact the coordinator Greg Brock at 205-441-2809.

Church address is 1321 4th Ave South West, Bessemer, AL 35022

* Bottled Water

* Toothpaste

* Toothbrushes

* Bar Soap

* Deodorant (men and women)

* Lotion

* Toilet paper

* Baby diapers (all sizes)

* Baby wipes

* Canned foods (Vienna sausages, potted meat)

* Washcloths

* Towels

* Fruit Cups

* Hair Combs

* Hair Brushes

* Crackers (peanut butter, cheese crackers, etc.)

**The cooridnator will be Greg Brock. Phone number is 205 441 2809.

P.S. An idea just came to me before sending this e-mail – if there are fruit or food facilities, manufacturing plants or businesses who produce any of the above products you could ask them for a donation. Also, you can ask UPS or FedEx or any other transportation company if they would be willing to ship these donations free of charge.

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