Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Monday, May 2, 2011

~Mexigram - May 2011


From the email desk of Missionary T.Wynn Drost - General Superintendent UPC of Mexico

Mexico City, Mexico

BIBLE SCHOOL IN MEXICO CITY. Here are some pictures of the students that are part of one of the Bible School programs here in Mexico City.

These are the students in our Tuesday ngiht Bible School, that goes from 7 to 10 pm, every Tuesday night. Those classes take place during the whole course of the year, having started the end of January and finish the end of November. This is a four level program, after which they graduate, with a total of 160 hours of classes per level, or year. On Tuesday we have four different classrooms filled with students. In that format we have over 135 students.

Above, the 1st Level students - this was taken two weeks ago.

On Saturdays we also have Bible School from 9 am to 12 pm. There we have another 35 students, which also is a 10-month class session,. At pressent they are only going to the second level, but eventually will also go all the way through to the fourth level.

Then, we have the Summer Bible School, which is also a four level program, but with intern students from all over Mexico. Last year we had 76 students. That is an intense course that lasts for five weeks, during the summer school vacations. The classes go from Monday to Friday, six hours a day; and then three more hours on Saturday, which also works out to over 160 hours of classes per level.

Pictured below are last year's Summer Bible School students - all four levels.

In all, last year (2010) we had 216 students in our Bible School programs here in Mexico City.

Although it represents many hours of teaching, since I teach in all the formats and, at least one subject in each level, I enjoy it, for we are pouring into all these students important Christian principles and teachings.

We have a total of 23 teachers involved in our Bible School in Mexico City - all of them Pastors. That also is tremendous training for those who have graduated from the Bible School program.

In all of Mexico, we have a total of eight Bible Schools in that many different cities. In all, last year (2010) we had 410 students - which includes the Mexico City Bible School.

EXECUTIVE BOARD OF THE UPCM! Below, is a picture of the Executive Board of the UPC of Mexico, which was taken in March 2011. On the front row: Rev Luis Vasquez (Legal Representative), Rev Martín González (Vice-President), Rev. T.W.Drost (Bishop President), Rev. Steven Drost (National Secretary), Rev. Jose Andrade (National Treasurer). Back row: Rev. Jesús Varela (Bishop Zone 1), Rev Fermín Díaz (Bishop Zone 2), Rev. Mario Villalta (Bishoip Zone 3), Rev. César Pérez (Bishop Zone 4), Rev. Scott Guinn (Bishop Zone 6). Our "Zones" are equivalent to Regions in North America, which here are made up of three or more Districts.

Aside from the Executive Board, we also have the National Council, which is made up of the Exeutive Board plus all the District Supervisors (Superintendents). The UPC of Mexico now has 28 Districts. The National Council, in all, are 32 members. Here they are pictured below:

The Districts in the UPCM are also divided into Sections with their corresponding Presbyters.

Thank you.

Bro. T.W. Drost - Obispo Presidente IPUM
http://www.ipumex.net/ 55-5519 0783

Please continue to PRAY for our missionaries, churches, pastors, and saints in the country of Mexico! They do need and desire your prayer and it is much appreciated!

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