Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

~The Finland Flashpoint - Spring 2011

The Mark Alphin Family
UPCI Missionaries to Finland

Adjusting to Cultural Changes
Ministering at Livende Kirke 
(Living Church), Copenhagen, 
While the past five months have definitely been one of great transition in many respects, our family is enjoying being among the Finnish people and learning their culture. A good friend of ours understands the necessity of cultural education, so along with a historical explanation, she typically surprises us by supplying items used in celebrating the different Finnish holidays. We have truly been blessed with several people that care about helping us acclimate to our new home, and it has been a great help to us. (Your continued prayers for us in this regard would be appreciated, as culture shock tends to last for some time.) Our shipment finally arrived during the first week of May, so we are just about settled in and unpacked. This month, we are planning to really "dig into" language study. Our initial teaching arrangement did not work out, so we are currently seeking someone that will help us. In the meantime, we have located reliable books and online tools that are assisting us with the process. While it is sure to take some time, we look forward to communicating with Finns in their native tongue!

Meet Your Team!
 Palace of Danish Queen
Copenhagen, Denmark
Each of us are building relationships with individuals, allowing our 'light' to shine in the community, and fulfilling other duties as well. Mark has been teaching Home Bible Studies since February, one of which requires travel to Tampere on a near-weekly basis. Glenda is focusing on intercessory prayer for the country while handling the team communication and finances. Miranda is functioning as her dad's Administrative Assistant. She also volunteers for the UPCI Foreign Mission's AIM department as Managing Editor of their bi-monthly e-newsletter. And, last but not least, Candace fulfills the role of Photographer when she's not completing her high school education. We are thankful that God has placed a unified desire within each of us to work together toward one common goal - making the Gospel available to the Finnish people.
Scandinavian Conference 2011
A grateful "Thank You" goes out to Bethel Tabernacle and Pastor David Fauss, who financially enabled us to make a recent trip to Copenhagen, Denmark. Prior to the Scandinavian Conference, we were invited to minister to Livende Kirke (Living Church). After Mark spoke about faith, members of the church laid hands on fellow saints. We watched as God filled one with His Spirit and gave another a miracle in his body. Three others also claimed a healing. We later found out that the lady who received the Holy Ghost was miraculously healed of scoliosis, of which she had suffered from birth. Faith truly can move mountains! We were greatly blessed to spend time with Pastor Chris and Clara Brett and their precious saints.

Scandinavian Conference 
Minister's Luncheon
Bro. & Sis. Howell
The Scandinavian Conference was an important one for our family, as we were able to connect with other ministry and saints within our newly renamed region, "UPCI of the Nordic Countries." Additionally, we became more acquainted with our EME leadership, Bros. Tuttle and Kelley. The ministry that went forth in each service was uplifting, and our family returned to Finland feeling spiritually strengthened. God knew what we needed and it came at just the right time!
"Thank You" to TEAM FINLAND!
Thank you to those who have been supporting us, whether it be through prayer or finance. The efforts put forth by both churches and individuals are working together to make the Gospel available to the Finnish people, and we appreciate you!

"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment on the head that ran down on the beard, Aaron's beard, that went down to the mouth of his garments; like the dew of Hermon that came down on the mountains of Zion; for there Jehovah commanded the blessing, life forevermore." (Psa 133:1-3) 

We were blessed with a visit by Douglas, Nannette, and Korey Elkins (AIM-Latvia) as they stopped in Helsinki on a layover to Riga, Latvia, where they are assisting Missionaries Mark and Robin Shutes. It was a joy to see our friends, if just for a few hours!

We appreciate the part that each of you play in reaching Finland - and your community - with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

May God Bless You!

Mark, Glenda, Miranda, and Candace
UPCI Missionaries to Finland

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