Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Thursday, June 9, 2011

~Suriname News Flash - May 2011


Suriname News Flash

May 2011
Hello from the Rhoads family in Suriname.  During May we enjoyed a visit from our son, Justin, and his friend AmandaHere are a few other events from the month.

May 3
     -Visited a home near Paramaribo expecting to have Bible study with new family, and found nineteen people waiting.
May 11
     -Fourth Open Door Group started in Paramaribo, with twelve people present.
May 12
     -Monthly leadership meeting for capital city church.
May 15
     -Ten children dedicated in Paramaribo.
May 19-20
     -Visited contacts in western Suriname, and held service one night in the captain's home.
May 22
     -Three people baptized in Paramaribo.
May 27
     -Bible study at one of the prisons.
May 28
     -National minister's meeting, where plans were made to reach out to new areas of Suriname.
May 29
     -Two people baptized by pastor in Nieuw Nickerie; one person baptized by assistant pastor in Paramaribo.

Thank you for praying for our family and for the church in Suriname.

The Rhoads Family
Missionaries to Suriname

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