Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Sunday, July 17, 2011

~Mexigram - July 2011 / T. Wynn Drost

From the email desk of Missionary T.Wynn Drost - General Superintendent UPC of Mexico

BIBLE SCHOOL IN MEXICO CITY. Here are some recent pictures the students in our Bible School in Mexico City, where we have three different formats, now with a total of 235 students.

Pictured above. Our Tuesday night Bible School with classes from 7 to 10 pm every Tuesday, and the class cycle goes for 10 months. There are 111 students in this format.

Pictured above. Also, a Saturday Bible School with classes from 9 am to 12 pm. This format was only started two years ago, but it is also catching on. We have 41 students in this format.

Pictured above. The most intensive course is the Summer Bible School, which started July 4th, and lasts for five weeks with 7 hours-a-day, from Monday thru Friday and four more hours on Saturday. This is mostly a internship format, with students coming from all over Mexico. They do in five weeks the 150 hours of classes that the other formats do in 10 months. This year we have 83 students in this format.
We started the first Bible School classes in Mexico City in 1992. Today we have a total of 31 teachers involved, most of whom have graduated from the four year (level) course. The Bible School has become a "greenhouse" for Pastors and Ministers entering the Ministry, but also for solidifying so many good saints in our churches in this great city.
I have a heavy teaching schedule for I teach, at least, one subject in every level and every format, but we love it! That is, besides pastoring a wonderful growing Church in the heart of Mexico City that now has over 600 members, which we also love doing! It's so wonderful and beautiful to Pastor!
CENTRAL DISTRICT GROWING! We are SSSOOOO thankful to the Lord for the tremendous way in which the Central District of the UPC of Mexico is growing. The Central District is simply Mexico City with over 22 million people.
JUNE REPORT! Every first Monday of the month, starting at 6 pm we have our Monthly Pastor's and Ministers meeting. It is always an exciting meeting with testimonies of grear victories, miracles and healings from the month before, and also a SHOUTING time of victory as each Pastor quickly reports the baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost the month before. In this month's meeting (July 4th) there were
A total reported of 282 baptized and
505 that received the Holy Ghost in June.
To God be the glory! The HG amount includes some Pentecost Sunday Rallies that were held on the Day of Pentecost in June. Please thank the Lord and rejoice with us!

            2011 NATIONAL CONVENTION. July 29-31, 2011. The UPC of Mexico has it's National Convention every two years, with Zonal (Regional) Conventions during the alternate years. This year our National Convention 2011 will be in the Sports Palace (Palacio De Los Deportes) in Mexico City. We are happy that, among the invited guests and preachers, we will have Rev. David Bernard, General Superintendent of the UPCI. We will have over 15,000 in attendance, and our goal is to see over 1,500 receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Yes we can, and will! Why not plan to come and be part of revival Check us out: www.ipumex.net.

Rev. T.W.Drost - General Superintendent UPC of Mexicowww.ipumex.net (011-521) 55-5438 1013 cell phone

County of Mexico

Mexico City, Mexico

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!!!!! Keep up the great work for the Lord!!
