Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Monday, July 18, 2011

~Amy Sawyer - Belize Update July 2011


Dear Prayer Partners,
Greetings in the lovely Name of Jesus!
I am happy to tell you that I completed deputation on May 1, and after some time off due to exhaustion, I will be headed home to Belize on July 30!  I am beyond excited!!  Thank you for your faithful prayers on my behalf that are ever needed and always felt.
I was privileged to attend the Rocky Mountain District Conference in AprilWhat a great move of the Holy Ghost; the people responded in a tremendous wayThanks to this district for $810 in PIMs and a good offering towards my various projectsIt was after this conference that I received the news that I could end my deputation.  Let me tell you that I love the Rocky Mountain District!  :-)
Let me give you some good news from Belize as well.
In the past few weeks we held 2 of our District Conventions.  There was a total of 109 that received the Holy Ghost and around 15 that were baptized in Jesus' name!  Revival is happening in BelizeThank you for praying for the wonderful people of this great country.
I would ask that you help me pray for strength in the days ahead as I return to Belize and begin the unpacking and setting up my house once againPlease pray that my container will arrive safe and sound....and for kind customs officers that won't charge a lot of import duty!  :-)
I appreciate your faithful prayers for me and the people of Belize, more than words could ever sayPlease know that I am praying for you as well.
Until next time,
Amy M. Sawyer
Missionary to Belize

1 comment:

  1. That is great Amy! We are visiting Belize in April and I was wondering if any fellow christians owned any resorts/lodging in San Ignatio and/or Caye Caulkner.
