Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

~Puerto Rico, Trinidad, and Tobago - Summer Update from Gary and Kristi Landaw


Summer Update from
Gary & Kristi Landaw

Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Tobago
SFC Moves the Gospel

SFC Moves the Gospel
Thank you to all who give to SFC!

SFCIn February we were able to get a new vehicle thanks to the Youth Division. Did you know that over the years we have carried children to church not knowing that they now would be leaders in the church. There are Pastors and their wives, Sunday School Teachers, Preachersetc that when not able to get to church when they were children rode with us.   Maybe this term we will have a future Evangelist? Bible School Teacher?  Who knows?

But we do know that without good transportation our work would be very difficultWe promise to continue make good use of our vehicle and to see the the Gospel of Jesus Christ is shared.

Youth martinsville

It was a privilege to have the Youth Group from Martinsville,Indiana come for a week to Puerto Rico. During that time they worked with us in two new areas handing out invitations and  as well as preached, sang, testified.  Thanks to Pastor Mark Abernathy for sharing the team with us

Trinidad and Tobago
This year Tobago is reporting more baptisms than ever before.

The church in Couva now has it's own facility. Thanks for praying and believing with us.


You can find us on facebook GaryKristiLandaw

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