Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Sunday, September 11, 2011

~Faith Journey - REVIVAL is in full swing!


Revival Is In Full Swing!

Having just completed our first full month of public services, God has proven that He is working in miraculous fashion in the Riga area! We have seen five baptized in Jesus' Name and six have been filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost! Many miracles have taken place including healings and securing much-needed jobs! Each week brings new opportunities to share, witness, minister, and reach to the wonderful people of Riga!

A Busy Month...

August proved to be an extremely busy month! We began by spending a couple of days in Tallinn, Estonia where we lived and worked for three months last fall. We were excited to be able to show Korey some of the sights of the city, as well as introduce him to some of the wonderful people who impacted our lives so immensely. We were thrilled to hear the mighty reports of revival that God is pouring out on the work there in Tallinn!

Upon our return to Riga, we were thrust full throttle right back into evangelism efforts to reach the people of the city and the surrounding communities. As you can see by our schedule, our weeks are filled with activities aimed at building relationships and making new contacts. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful locations in which to hold our Sunday services. In Pinki every Sunday morning we meet in a very beautiful Lutheran church. On Sunday evenings, we meet in downtown Riga in a centuries old Anglican Church. We are learning each week more of the amazing history that this building holds. It is currently undergoing a major renovation and we look forward to seeing the finished product and sharing it with you! Above all, God's Spirit is so rich in both of these buildings as we gather to worship and minister. We have already met many wonderful people in both of these venues, and are excited to see God touch their lives!

Saturdays are another exciting day. We gather in two different areas of town to sing, worship, and connect with people. Even though by the end of the day we are all physically spent, when we see someone come into the service on Sunday that we have invited and ministered to the day before, it makes all the work seem so worthwhile! We have witnessed such a change in the atmosphere of the places we hold evangelism regularly as we continue to claim areas of the city in Jesus' Name!

A milestone for us was receiving our Latvian Residency Permits in mid-August! Law only allows us to stay in this region of the world for 90 days at a time. Obtaining these permits now allows us to stay indefinitely and they are good for four years! Thank you to all who kept this situation in your prayers. The entire process went very smoothly and now enables us to focus more on the work at hand.

Sadly, the past month has seen several of our team leave Riga to return to the States. Several were only scheduled to be here for three months, some left to prepare for further work here in Latvia and raise funds. Regardless, we are feeling the loss of the team members, but are also still benefitting from the positive effects that each of them has had on the work here. We excitedly anticipate their return!

Heartfelt Thanks!

Last month we shared with you a very real need that we are facing financially. The reality is that unless our financial support base begans to build we will be forced to cut our time here in Latvia short. God's call upon our lives here is long-term. Aside from the work we are doing in the local assemblies, we are preparing for the launch of Bible Schools all across the region. Training is already being scheduled and curriculum prepared that will aid other missionaries to follow the organizational structure that is being put into place here in Latvia. We are excited about this wonderful opportunity that God has given us!

We want to say thank you to those who have already responded to our call for help. We have received a few offerings, and added a few monthly partners! You have been a tremendous blessing to us, and are helping us to reach souls! However, the need is still great and we would welcome your coming on board and being an integral part of the team! We know that God has called us to this work, and we know that He already has a plan in place to sustain us. It could be that He is talking to you about that right now.
God bless you as you prayerfully consider becoming a Faith Journey partner!

Douglas and Nannette Elkins/Riga, Latvia

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