Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Sunday, September 11, 2011

~Mission Latvia - Michael and Christine McKinnies family


Mission Latvia 

To Our Partners in Missions 

We will be returning to the States for a short period of time
Due to our decision to stay in Latvia on a long-term basis to work
with Missionary Mark Shutes, we will need to spend time "tying up
loose ends" at home.  We will be in Michigan on September 1 and
will be returning to Latvia on November 15.

While we are in the States we hope to have many new churches,
pastors, ministers and saints partnering with us in missions 
to reach the country of Latvia with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
If you are interested in having us come and share our burden and
vision for Latvia, please facebook us, email us or call us to schedule
a time.  We look forward to being with many of you in the weeks to
Praise Report

What God's Doing! 

Since early July God has filled five with the Holy Ghost and 
six have been baptized in Jesus Name!  There have been many healed and delivered by the power of God.  Everyone who has
come to seek God for a job has found oneIt may not seem 
like much to you, but to them it is most definitely a miracle.  Latvia is in an economic crisis and many are leaving the 
country to find jobs, yet God is providing! He is truly great! 

We are believing for 50 souls in Latvia to be added to the Kingdom by the end of the year.  We have only begun to experience all that God has in store for us.

We would love for you to be a part of what the Lord is doing in LatviaPlease consider partnering with us with a monthly pledge or a one-time offering.  If this is not in your budget, then please help us by becoming a prayer partner for Mission Latvia.


team pic

The Team: Kim Middlestadt, Luke Havens, Doug Elkins, Nannette Elkins, Rachel Zehm, Kyle Christian, Alexandra McKinnies, Rebekah Kline, Korey Elkins, Michael McKinnies, Preston McKinnies, Christine McKinnies, Nathan Miller.  (Not Pictured: Brian and Kaleb Roberts, Mark and Robin Shutes)
Michael and Christine McKinnies and Family
Directors of Evangelism for Latvia
Facebook: michael n christine mckinnies
Phone: 269-978-1965

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