Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

~Help - Our Church Family is in Need of Assistance


Ministerial family,

Drought, wind, and fire have made life extremely difficult for many of our brothers and sisters. In Bastrop alone, 600 homes have been destroyed.  The fire is still burning largely out of control.

Charles Stephens, our presbyter for the Austin/Hill Country, is coordinating an effort to assist those families and churches in need.  Please see the email below he sent to the ministers of his section.  

Let's join in helping those in need. And, let's pray that God will extinguish these fires.

Ken Gurley

STX District Superintendent  

Dear Austin Hill Country Ministers,

I greet you in the glorious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am writing you with a very urgent request. 

As I am sure most of you know there are huge fires all around Austin and Bastrop. We have many of our Pentecostal people that are displaced from their homes, and some who have lost their homes. Bro Chandler has people connected to his church that lost their homes. Austin First Church has people displaced, and I am sure other churches in the area have people displaced. 

Bro and Sis Holguin, who are on a missionary tour in Spain, have lost their home, car, and a life time of things they have collected. Bro Holguin is a licensed minister and part of our section. They will be landing at Austin Bergstrom Airport tomorrow, Thursday, at 10:40am. If you or your spouse would like to meet them at the airport, I know they would appreciate the support. I have talked to Bro Grady Chandler and he and I are trying to co-ordinate an effort to get help to these people who are so desperately in need. 

If you or your church can help in any way please respond as soon as possible. You can make your checks to Austin Hill Country Section and send it directly to Bro Delano. If you want to respond with other items, please feel free to do so. The greatest time for us to show that we are real Christians is when other children of God need our help. I want to thank you in advance for all of your help. 

I know of only three of our families at this time that have lost their homes. If you know of any of our people who are affected by this, please call me and let me know. We want to make sure these people in need, know that we stand with them, both in finance and in prayer. If you will, please ask your churches to pray and hold these families up. 

You can reach me at 512-844-9470 or the following: cstephens6@austin.rr.com  

May God's grace keep you and protect you.

Charles Stephens
Presbyter -  Austin Hill Country

*Note! If there are any of you that would like to help financially it would be much appreciated. Follow the instructions above to make a contribution. Thank you so very much and may God reward and bless you more than what you could ever think or ask.

No one ask me to post this on behalf of the South Texas District brethren but the Bible teaches us to care one for another.

God bless,
Jerry E. Powell

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