Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

~And More General Conference 2011 Missionary Photos

Shane Hayes, missionary to Chile
Robert Dame, missionary to Bolivia

Sis. Linda Guinn, missionary to Mexico
Sis. Andrea Powell, friend and supporter of missionaries

The Scott Guinn Family, missionaries to Mexico

Bro. Simmons, missionary to Thailand...is that cookbook 
for you or your wife?

Missions Display Area

Missions Display Area

Missions Display Area

Do you recognize this flag? From the nation of Israel

Bro. Demos, missionary to Germany
If anyone knows the name of this other man please send it to me

Terry Riddick, missionary to the Cameroon
Randy Richardson, missionary to Mauritius, 
Seychelles and Reunion
The other gentleman is unknown to me; if you know who 
it is please send me his name. Thank you

Jeriann Powell, former AIMer for the Vaccas
Bro. and Sis. Kevin Vacca, missionaries to the Philippines

If you are not a PIM please become one today!

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