Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Friday, October 21, 2011

~And...More Missionary Photos from GC2011/Louisville, KY

Bro. Ed Hosmer, missionary to Japan
Bro. Leonard Richardson, missionary to Taiwan
enjoying some much needed downtime.

Shane Hayes, missionary to Chile
Richard Adams, pastor from Barnsville, GA
(What's that in Missionary Hayes nose and ears?)
Please don't hold it against him!

Missionary Shane Hayes from Chile displaying his
goods from that country in a most unusual manner.

Charles Robinette, missionary to Austria, Bernhard 
Suppan, missionary to Austria and future AIMers being 
instructed and encouraged by Bro. Robinette

Charles Robinette, missionary to Austria
Bernhard Suppan, missionary to Austria
Future AIMers excited to get on location.

Missionaries on the march...!

Another view...Missionaries on the march!

Bro. and Sis. Lionel Dabbs, missionaries 
to Singapore, with LJ on the march.

Missionaries marching into the service

Missionaries standing in the altar as conference 
prayed for them and the field of their labor

Missionaries praying in the altar at beginning 
of missions service

Sis. Andrea Powell, wife of Jerry E. Powell, WD
Foreign Mission's Promotion Director
Sis. Trecina Anderson, newly appointed intermediate
missionary to Spain where she has worked as an AIMer
for the past eight years under Bro. Gary Sones

If you are not a PIM please become one TODAY!

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