Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Friday, October 28, 2011

~More Photos from the W. H. Dean Bible School in NIcaragua

Day Five

A Great group of guys and hard workers
Thanks for the opportunity to be a part...much appreciated
Ready to begin work
Team Coordinator, Eric Descant
Jerry Powell and Missionary Stephen Nix
Drywall going up on the last wall
Allen Goss, better known as the 'Boss'
Drywall and tape on the last wall 
You think he is missing his wife?
Serious business folks

Another very productive day...as we were getting ready to leave a tropical storm began pelting us with heavy rain along with lightning and thunder; upon arriving back at our hotel we discovered a large political rally in progress (the rain did not deter them from this activity) due to elections occurring in a few day.

Tomorrow is our last day to work on this project. The week is nearly over...it seems that the time has went so quickly. Please pray that we will complete all the goals that were set for the week.

God bless and good night!

More photos tomorrow...

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