Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Thursday, November 3, 2011

~William H. Dean Bible College/Administration Building, Nicaragua - Last Day of Work

Day Six - the last day of work before our departure

Road from main highway leading to the W. H. Dean Bible College
The road to the property...
Ready to cross the bridge
Entering the property (property line extends to trees in background)
Devotion and prayer (we did this each morning before work)
The stacks of building material are now walls
Walls are ready for top coat and texture 
Entrance way to upstairs being finished
Missionary Stephen Nix with a couple Nicaraguan brethren
Ready to leave on the last day of work
Farewells to the Nicaragua brethren (they were great to work with

- Next post will feature the Masaya Volcano that we toured for a couple of hours late on Saturday afternoon. Sis. Nix felt that we should get to see a little bit more of Nicaragua before leaving the country. Thank you Sis. Nix...we enjoyed the tour and the opportunity to purchase a few items from the market place.

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