Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

~Missions Miracle in Nicaragua - Read How it has Happened!

by Missionary Stephen Nix

It all started with two offeringsIn Bossier City there was a miraculous missions offering that was “looking” for just the right place to be invested in God’s KingdomIn Nicaragua, 150 pastors and wives were gathered together in the “Pastors and Wives Only” service during the Nicaraguan General Conference.  There was a need in the work, and an appeal was made to dig deep and give sacrificially.  All over the auditorium, precious men of God dug deep into their pockets and gave in a way that only the Lord could inspire.  In some cases, they gave money that they had planned to use to eat with on the way home … a trip that for some would mean eight to twelve hours on the road.  Regional Director John Hopkins began to lead the pastors and wives in worship as the offering was taken.  As they emptied their pockets to give, a mighty Spirit of rejoicing came over everyone present.  All over the auditorium, pastors and their wives came pouring out of their pews, and in front of the platform, began to dance before the Lord with all their might!  Some ran the aisles, others leaped up and down with the joy of the Holy Ghost, and various groups of ten or twelve pastors would link arms, forming a circle, and the circle would rotate as they jointly praised and worshipped the Lord of Lords and King of Kings … our Savior Jesus Christ!

As this awesome wave of the Spirit swept over the ministerial body of Nicaragua, and we worshipped with all our might, I borrowed Bro. Hopkins’ camera and captured a few moments of this unforgettable time of praise and rejoicing in the Spirit.  Sometime later, Pastor Jerry Dean of the Pentecostals of Bossier City was sharing the news of the victorious offering, wondering how to best use it.  Bro. Hopkins played the video clip of the Nicaraguan brethren worshipping after having given so sacrificially.  Something “clicked” and a bond was made with a people never met, yet known -- through the Name of Jesus and the power of his Holy Spirit that unites believers of like precious faith all over the world!  Bro. Hopkins shared that Missionary Supervisor Steve Nix and Nicaraguan UPC President Eduardo García had been praying for fifteen years for the Lord to bring to pass their vision for the Church to have a Bible School and National Offices on its own property.

From this conversation, the miracle for this vision began to unfold, and the William H. Dean Memorial Bible School Project was born!  The Bible School and National Offices of the United Pentecostal Church of Nicaragua would be a memorial in honor of a great man of God, Pastor Jerry Dean’s father.  While some miracles are instantaneous, others are a work in progress, which unfolds, little by little, exactly when the need is greatest.  The story of the project in Nicaragua is one of perseverance through a series of victories and sacrifices and one of an incredible commitment that has been ongoing and unwavering on behalf of the wonderful folks at POBC.  While it would have been exciting to wave a “magic wand” and watch everything leap into place overnight, this did not happen. What has happened, however, is that we have faced a series of events, challenges to be met, problems to be overcome, sacrifices to be made, and a whole lot of just plain hard WORK!  At every turn, God has provided and brought us through, and with each successive victory, He has taken us just a little further toward the end goal … dedication of the William H. Dean Memorial Building, and renewed Bible School operations.

At times, the challenges were nearly daunting.  We soon discovered that property of any size inside city limits of Managua would cost upwards of a million dollars.  We prayed, believed and continued to seek, and after seemingly endless months of searching, the Lord led us to seven acres of property just five miles outside city limits, located only 3 blocks off a major highway with bus service in and out of Managua.  After rejoicing over the purchase of the property, the next hurdle was finding an affordable architect to draw up plans.  Once again, God provided and a young man just out of college did it for a fraction of what others wanted to charge!  We excitedly raced the plans over to city hall, hoping for an immediate approval, only to discover that once again, much prayer and perseverance would be required to move to the next level of the project.  After many months, God granted yet another victory and we had our building permit in our handsDecember 6, 2010 was the red-letter day when a group of pastors gathered on the property with Bro. Nix, Bro. García and missionary Jayson Long to break ground for the William H. Dean Memorial Building.

Little did I know just how much was involved in constructing a two-story building of that size, and what looked simple on pieces of paper seemed to grow to overwhelming proportion as we began the journey together to make this building happenBut what a journey it has beenNearly 50 weeks later, I can see God has been with us every step of the way.  With very little in the way of fancy equipment, and often with tools of “yesteryear”, our crew has accomplished what seemed impossible at the start, and we are a long ways down the road toward completion.

At various times during this journey, the Pentecostals of Nicaragua have put their shoulder to the wheel when the need was the greatestAt the very beginning, the property had to be cleared of weeds and brush nearly 6 ft. tall.  We designated a “mowing Sunday” and members within a 4 hour travel time were invited to come and help “mow” the property.  Around 300 men and women showed up from all over, carrying machetes, axes, rakes and hoes.  The sun rose, and the temperature climbed into the 90’s as the backbreaking work of mowing seven acres by hand began…and by early afternoon, the entire property had been cleared by a people excited to have our own Bible School property!

When it was time to dig the massive holes for the anti-earthquake columns and footers, the entire Nicaraguan church general board showed up to help dig, and in one day, the main digging was completed.  Another major milestone was accomplished when the concrete pad for the second story was poured.  The easy way would have been to contract a concrete company to bring trucks and pipe it in, but the cost was prohibitive.  Instead, we declared a “concrete pouring Sunday” and called again for volunteers.   Early that Sunday morning, 270 men showed up ready to go … knowing that the entire pad had to be poured in one day.  Rain was threatening to downpour, but we lifted hands to God and asked Him to hold back the rain until we finished – and God answered prayer!  We had three rented cement mixing machines and nine dirt pads for making concrete by hand.  The men began working, mixing the concrete and carrying it upstairs in 5 gallon bucketsBecause of the massive turnout and the amazing cooperation of everyone, the pad was entirely poured by early afternoon.  When the last worker had finished, and plastic was placed over the new concrete, then and only then did the rain begin.  God is so faithful!

When we needed someone to help us with the initial electrical installations, we had no one locally we could turn to.  However, Pastor Dean had just the solution: a dynamic team of men from Bossier CityBro. Josh Crochet and Allan Hennigan came down and worked in the intense heat of the Nicaraguan summer sun for a week, and their sacrifice was not only a tremendous boost in terms of labor, but their cheerful cooperation under difficult circumstances also gave us a needed boost in morale!

Another major victory was won through the blessing of the Louisiana Men on a Mission crewBro. Alan Goss is truly amazing, and his organization of the work crew was simply phenomenal.  Even before the team arrived, we spent hours on the telephone working out details.  We wanted to advance the upstairs electrical conduit and wiring as much as possible, so he took the time to send us detailed drawings that made it possible to follow step-by-step.  Bro. Josh Crochet did the same for the downstairs area.  The Louisiana team (also joined by Bro. Jerry Powell from California) left an unforgettable impression on us all as they worked with dedication and determination.  In one week’s time they accomplished the impossible: install all the walls upstairs, sheetrock and mud, enclose the stairs, install the drop ceiling framework downstairs and complete electrical wiring to all the sub-panelsAs I watched these men brave unbearable heat and humidity to help us out here on the mission field, there were times that I wanted to weep with thanksgiving that we should be so blessed to have someone come overseas and do what they did for us here in Nicaragua!

No, we are not finished with the construction yetThere are a number of major hurdles yet to be crossed, but we are a very long ways down the road, and because of helping hands – both Nicaraguan and North American – that have caught the vision and were willing to do what it takes, we have seen some incredible victories during the journeyBy faith, we will see the William H. Dean Memorial Building complete and in operation!


  1. Wow! Thank you, Bro. Powell for posting this article! Bro. Nix

  2. Bro. Nix, thank you for a great article...I appreciate you taking valuable time to write this semi-detailed explanation of how it all began and where it is today. We are praying with you for a financial miracle that would enable you to complete this beautiful Bible School complex and see it in operation very soon. I am looking forward to being at the dedication service.

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