Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Saturday, November 19, 2011

~Suriname News Flash - October 2011


October 2011

As someone once said, "The hurrier I go, the behinder I get." We are definitely behind, as November is over half gone and we are just sending out our October update. Here it is, hopefully better late than never.

October 2
Back to School Sunday with special program and prayer for students.

October 5
Three people received the Holy Ghost at Open Door Group Gonggrijpstraat.

October 6
Happy birthday, Sandra! (And, a belated Happy Birthday from WD Foreign Missions)

October 9
One person received the Holy Ghost in Paramaribo.

October 11
Happy birthday, Phillip! (And, a belated Happy Birthday from WD Foreign Missions)

October 16
Leadership meeting for capital city church.

October 23
Assistant pastor preached in Paramaribo service. One person received the Holy Ghost.

October 28-30
Trip to Barbados for the Caribbean Conference of the United Pentecostal Church.

Thank you for praying for our family and for the church in Suriname.

The Rhoads Family
Missionaries to Suriname

Visit our web page at www.RhoadsMission.com.
Follow us on Twitter at user name PhillipRhoads.

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