Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Thursday, December 15, 2011

~Merry Christmas from Gary/Kristi Landaw - Puerto Rico


Merry Christmas to you and yours.

This past year we have been blessed to be able to not only pastor a
church in Puerto Rico but also have been working to see new areas 
hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have been planting the word of 
God and watering with prayer and believing God for a wonderful 
Harvest soon. As recent as last night we had an outdoor service in 
Santurce where we had several new visitors. It is so exciting working
for Jesus!

Trinidad and Tobago is reaching out into new areas also as the lead-
ers and saints are reaching out to the areas of Scarborough Tobago 
and Arima, Trinidad. This year we have seen a good harvest of souls
and anticipate an even greater harvest in 2012. Though we do not 
live in Trinidad we have been there quite frequently preaching, teaching
and giving direction to the church.

It has been a wonderful year to work in the Kingdom of God. We
have seen souls saved, people healed, and delivered. It is such a 
blessing to be able to be ambassadors of Jesus Christ.

God has also blessed us to be able to see all of our children during
the year. Amy is working in Spain as an English teacher and also
is an AIM worker in Madrid. Joseph and Cassandra were on a very
short deputation and return to Trinidad for a few months and then
in July 2012 pick up their deputation travels again. Melisa and 
Jordan are involved in the church they attend in Martinsville. This
year we will all be able to spend Christmas together and for that
we are very thankful.

Thank you for your prayers and support. We do hope you
continue to fervently pray for us
. We really need to see a break-
through in these new areas of labor
. In Jesus name strongholds
will be broken

God bless you.

Gary and Kristi Landaw
Missionaries with UPCI
Ways to communicate with us:
Phone 787.993.1540 Facebook:GaryKristiLandaw Twitter:GaryLandaw

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