Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Monday, December 12, 2011

~We're Back - Michael and Christine McKinnies/AIMers to Latvia

Panoramic Riga
New Friendship
alex and olja
Alexandra is looking forward to building a frienship with Olja. A sweet young lady she met through AIMer, Rachel Zehm.
Riga Worship Team
Worship team
Alexandra has joined the Worship Team for Hall Church. Here she is singing the song "Here I Am To Worship" in Latvian. The woman on the keyboard is Vineta, a Latvian national and member of the Church in Riga.
Red Cross Ministry
mark at red cross
Missionary Mark Shutes and interpreter are ministering to a group of men at the local Red Cross.
A Blessing!
constance at red cross
Konstance, a faithful member of the Church in Riga, has been a great blessing as an interpreter to Missionary Mark Shutes and myself for the Red Cross Ministry. She is a wonderful young lady. We enjoy seeing how God is using her and working in her life.
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Michael McKinnies
c/o Evelyn Curry
32817 56th Ave.
Paw Paw, MI 49079
We're Back!
We have finally arrived back in 
Riga, Latvia! We would like to 
offer a great big THANK YOU
to all of our Partners in Missions,
to those that have been with us 
since the beginning of this journey
and to those who have recently 
come aboard. We would not be 
here without your prayers and 
financial support. We will forever
be grateful for you help in making
an impact in the nation of Latvia 
for the Kingdom of God. 
Remember to cover our family 
in prayer as well as the work here
in Latvia. May God continue to 
bless you as you sacrifice to give.

Thank You to Pastor Pickard for 
allowing me to be a part of the 
Ontario Missions Conference. I 
would also like to thank all the 
Pastors and Churches who allow-
ed me and my family to share
our burden and vision for 
missions in Latvia while we were
in the StatesA SPECIAL 'Thank
You' to Bro. Vic and Sis. Ginger
for sponsoring the Project for 
Alexandra and Preston. They 
each now have their own real bed
with an attached desk and shelf 
unit for homeschooling. This 
personalized space in a shared
room means a lot to them.
We had the honor of celebrating 
Thanksgiving with many wonder-
ful people, who we count not 
only as friends but also as 'family.'  
We were blessed to share this 
day with Nathan and Kaylana 
Miller and Family (American's 
residing/working in Latvia), Tony
and Shasta Miller and Family 
(Missionaries to Lithuania), Nate
and Ingunn Turner and Family 
(Missionaries to Estonia), Cilija
(AIM from Norway to Estonia), 
Rachel Zehm (AIM to Latvia) 
and of course Missionaries Mark
and Robin Shutes. We all enjoyed
a fabulous turkey dinner with all 
the trimmings and a fantastic time 
of fellowship and games! Almost 
felt like 'home.'
Praise Reports from
        Team Latvia
Souls for the Kingdom
We are so excited about what
God is doing! There have been
a total of 17 baptized in Jesus
Name and 12 have been filled 
with the gift of the Holy Ghost
We are part of an awesome 
team in Latvia and we have an
awesome group of Partners In 
Missions supporting us both in
prayer and in finances. More 
importantly, we serve an awe-
some God! To God be the Glory!

Miraculous Healing
While we were in the United 
States a young couple was 
brought to the house church in the
Kengarags Region of Riga. They
were in desperate need of a 
miracle in their lives. This was an 
unmarried couple who were 
expecting the birth of their first 
child in a couple of months. The 
couple explained their devastating
situation. The young woman had 
tested positive for HIV and there
was a fear that the child would 
have it as well.
The House Church
group rallied around them and pray-
ed as the presence of the Holy 
Ghost filled the apartment. Two 
days later she went back to the 
doctor for a second test. This time 
the results showed that there was 
NO SIGN of HIV in her system. 
After that they were taught on the 
plan of salvation, baptized in Jesus'
Name and the young man was filled
with the Holy Ghost. The week that
we arrived back in Riga, she gave 
birth to a healthy baby boy, who 
was in a hurry to come into this 
world a little early. The couple was
married on November 20th by Bro.
Doug Elkins immediately following 
our Sunday Hall Church. The young
woman and her baby were officially
discharged from the hospital and 
came home this past Wednesday. 
The young couple and their new-
born baby were in attendance at
Bible Study Group on Thursday.
God is a miracle working God!

New Bible Study Group
The young man in the above praise
report is so excited about God, 
what He has done in his life and 
what God is continuing to do that
he approached Mark Shutes about
starting a new Bible Study Group 
and inviting all his friends. We met
with this Bible Study Group this 
past Thursday and will continue on
a weekly basis; looking forward to 
what God has in store for this 
wonderful group of people.

Red Cross Opportunity
Since our return to Riga, God has
opened a door at the Red Cross 
and has given the team the 
opportunity to teach Life Lessons
and English classes every week. 
Included in the Life Lessons Class
is Biblical study and we end each 
session with prayer. Through this
we have seen lives impacted by 
the power of God! We have had
an average of 16 in attendance the
last three weeks.
Prayer Requests
We are currently looking for a 
building to lease in Riga City 
Center that we can hold our 
Sunday Hall Church services in.
Our lease on the current building
ends on January 31st with no 
opportunity to extend the lease. 
Please pray for God's guidance that
we will find the building that fulfills 
His purpose.

Please also keep Missionary 
Mark Shutes and his team in 
your prayers as they will be launch-
ing Revival By Design (RBD) in 
Europe/Middle East in January.
Michael and Christine McKinnies and Family
Directors of Evangelism for Latvia
Facebook: michael n christine mckinnies
Phone: 269-978-1965

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