Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Monday, February 27, 2012

~Adopt a Window or Door -W. H. Dean Bible School/Managua, Nicaragua

LIVE from Nicaragua...

Please consider adopting a WINDOW or DOOR at only $120.00 a piece...you may be able to purchase only one or possibly you could donate five (5), (10) or more. Please contact Bro. Stephen Nix on his FB page at 'Stephen Nix'or contact Global Missions at UPCI in Hazelwood, MO. This would a great blessing to the Nicaraguan church and Bro. Nix to help in the completion of this building. They need to be using this beautiful school to teach, train, instruct and mentor students, leaders and pastors.

Below is a picture of a completed window:

God bless,

Jerry E. Powell
Western District GMD Promotion Director

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