Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Sunday, March 4, 2012

~Mexigram - March 2012 / REVIVAL in Mexico

From the email desk of Missionary T.Wynn Drost - General Superintendent UPC of Mexico

9,550 baptized in 2011; and,
9731 received the Holy Spirit in 2011.
Our baptized solid membership grew by 20.6% in 2011
Our Constituency today is of 109,049 in all of Mexico
• We have 863 Licensed Ministers and Pastors in the UPCM
We have 981 Churches and Missions in the UPCM

We are VERY excited with the growth the God continues to give the United Pentecostal Church of Mexico. The statistics that you see above are the rresult of what was compiled in all 28 Districts that we have in this country.

We just finished driving to all of those Districts that we have in Mexico, a total of 17,100 kilometers (or, 10,625 miles) during the months of January and February - in a total of 44 days. In each District we have their yearly District Assembly with the financial reports and elections for the different District offices. We rejoice over the results of what God is doing and has done during this past year of 2011.

Mexico is truly a revival field! That we know of, there is no other country in the world today reporting (consistently) that many being baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit each year. God has given us a great group of dedicated Pastors and leaders, who love God and are working very hard for the Lord. We have not reached a plateau, but are only seeing the beginnings of MUCH MORE!

In each District, not only were we thrilled with the statistical reports, but also many stories of healings, miracles, etc. Being that Mexico is going through a time of violence and many deaths, due to the ongoing drug-war that is being waged in this country, there are also tremendous testimonies of protection, while at the same time, of wonderful conversions from those dregs of sin. Jesus is still in the saving and life-transforming business!

Pictured above are students in a Bible School in Campeche where Brother Mario Alfaro (to my right in the pictures) is the District Supervisor. I was able to teach for three hours while there, during the first days in February 2012.
We are experiencing revival! To God Be The Glory!

We cherish and appreciate your prayers for continued revival in this great country!

Rev. T.W.Drost - General Superintendent UPC of Mexico
www.ipumex.net (011-521) 55-5438 1013 cell phone

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