Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Friday, March 30, 2012

~News Update from Gary and Kristi Landaw

Field News and Update 
from Gary and Kristi Landaw
Greetings to you today.

We wanted to touch base with you and let you know of what has been going on for the past few weeks.
Evangelism with TBC Missions team.

Bro. Gary Carter, Missions Dean of Texas Bible College brought a group of 27 people to Puerto Rico. They had practiced songs in Spanish so they sang in Spanish; evangelized on the streets; had 3 street meetings and preached in 6 churches as well as painted the inside of a church. From their special services we have had new people in the new work we are beginning. We thank God for the sacrifice of this wonderful group.

Puerto Rico Ministerial Conference with new Regional Director for CAC Region.

Bro.  David and Sis. Yonda Schwarz blessed the Ministeral Conference with their preachings and teachings. During this conference Bro. Alfredo Lopez was re-elected as Superintendent of the work. (Photo of the Lopez and Schwarz family).
Please continue to pray that strongholds will be broken in the San Juan Metroplex. Also pray that God leads us to key people. We need wisdom to know how to reach the masses of people in this area.
Again, thank you for being there for us. You are an integral part of the work in Puerto Rico and Trinidad.

Gary and Kristi Landaw

~The Hajduk Manifesto - March 2012 / Croatia

The Hajduk Manifesto

We have moved into Zagreb, the capitol of Croatia; population close to 800,000. There has never been an UPCI church here. Most of the people we talked to have not heard the word "Pentecost" and our landlord is convinced it has something to do with a pentagram. 

Have you ever read a book by a pioneering missionary? You will find that the path leading to every revival is a bitter one. Not even a week into our settling in Zagreb, Radovan had attacks on his health, from drastic loss of breath to the discovery of a lump on his thyroid and water around his heart. We rejoice in victory over all of these and are thankful that the lump is benign!


We have been getting to know Zagreb, feeling things out and becoming familiar with the city's pulse. We'll also be keeping our eye out for a small place to rent for meetings! We've settle into a peaceful neighborhood. Thanks for your prayers.


The first ever, UPCI church building Pastored by Bro. Andy Mamojka was dedicated in Ilok, N/E Croatia. With over fifty in attendance, we were ministered to by Missionary George Craft. He has been instrumental in completion of this church building along with Missionary Roger Buckland and my father-in-law Missionary Sam Balca. 
This church and it's pastor have lived through the destruction of the Yugoslavian Civil war, but are now having a fresh new start, in Jesus name! 

We have several contacts in other towns that we will be visiting and praying with and look forward to setting up regular meetings.

Continue to pray with us for open doors and opportunities to shine His light. You mean the world to us! 

Please sign up here to become our Partners in Missions.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

~Mexigram - March 2012 / REVIVAL in Mexico Continues

From the email desk of Missionary T.Wynn Drost - General Superintendent UPC of Mexico

God continues to bless the Church in Mexico City! Below are some pictures of the recent Rally (or Congress, as we call it) here in Mexico City, last Monday, the 19th of March 2012.

We had nearly four thousand in attendance, with 81 receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and 3 were baptized in Jesus' Name.

Here's another angle and, another service. Monday the 19th was a national holiday. We had a total of three services, starting at 10 am and ending at 6:30 pm. The first service was the Men's service, with emphasis on Men's Ministries. The second was taken care of by the Ladies' Ministries, and the third was Youth Ministries. A tremendous blessing!

The platform area during the Ladies' service.

We are VERY excited with the continued growth that have in Mexico City - what we call: the Central District. This Central District is the "locomotive" or mainstay of our entire work in Mexico, both numerical and financial. Here are some statistics:

2,316 were baptized in 2011 in Mexico City; and,
2,589 received the Holy Spirit in Mexico City in 2011.
We now have over 7,000 baptized believers in Mexico City!
104 Churches and Missions in this city.

The Holy Ghost was poured out in a wonderful way and, not only did 81 receive it, with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues, but there were many healings and miracles reported also.
EARTHQUAKE. Just yesterday we had a 7.8 earthquake here in Mexico City for which we are thankful to the Lord that there were no casualties (deaths) reported. Earthquakes are common here, the worst one being an 8.1 earthquake in 1985 that killed over 11,000 people. But today, the buildings are better and stronger.

We are experiencing revival - great spiritual earthquakes! To God Be The Glory!

We cherish and appreciate your prayers for continued revival in this great country!

Rev. T.W.Drost - General Superintendent UPC of Mexicowww.ipumex.net (011-521) 55-5438 1013 cell phone

Thursday, March 15, 2012

~Thai Gram - March 2012 / Ed and Mary Simmons

    Please continue to PRAY for all our missionaries around the world! 
Map Thai-Gram             
March 2012                                                                              
Thanking God for approximately 137 new people filled
with the Holy Ghost at this year's Thai Conference!
Holy Ghost1 Holy Ghost2
Holy Ghost3
USA Team 2012
Thank You USA Team for ministering at the 
Top Left to Right: Arnold Mangus, Anthony Moss,
Sister Smith, David Smith
Bottom Left to Right: Sister Watts, Michael Watts,
Rodney Thaxton, Bunthean Nhothsiri.
Ladies' Worship
Bible School Grads 
Three of five new graduates from the Bible School
After deputizing in the Texico and South Texas Districts
we are now in the Texas District for three weeks. Then 
on east to Louisiana.
Our new PARTNERS in MISSIONS from last month:

Jubilee Apostolic Church - Amarillo, TX
Life Tabernacle Seguin - Seguin, TX
Greater Life UPC - New Braunfels, TX
Cody Smith - San Antonio, TX
Church of Truth & Spirit - Alice, TX
Christian Revival Center - Corpus Christi, TX
Calvary Apostolic Church - Mathis, TX
The Pentecostals of the Bay Area - Pittsburg, CA
First Church of Pearland - Pearland, TX
The Pentecostal Church - San Benito, TX
La Luz de Mundo Iglesia Pentecostal - San Isidro, TX
Freedom Temple Church - Austin, TX
Hope Family Fellowship - Georgetown, TX
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

We have a new page on our web site: New Life 
Bangkok. Please visit to learn about the capital city
of Thailand whose population is larger than 160 
countries of the world. Click HERE New Life Bangkok
to visit the page. 
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

If you haven't already, please add 
edandmarysimmons@aol.com to your email's 
contacts/address book.
God bless each of you.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and

Ed & Mary Simmons

Ed & Mary Simmons
Bangkok, Thailand

Ed & Mary Simmons                                                                                   
8855 Dunn Rd.
Hazelwood, MO 63042
Become a "PARTNER IN MISSIONS" with Us                                                  

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

~Barcelona Commentary - March 2012

Please continue to PRAY for all our missionaries around 
the world.

Barcelona Commentary

Rev. & Mrs. Nathan A. Harrod 
Missionaries to Spain
United Pentecostal Church International
Revival Report...
New Church Plant
In the month of February we had our first services in the city of Manresa, a town about 40 miles outside of Barcelona. We had 12 in attendance in our first service and we are excited about what God is going to do in this new city. We're thankful to have the Nutt Family, Aimers with us in Spain that are helping to establish this new work.
A small view of a Sunday service in Barcelona

Sunday Worship 3/4/12
Sunday Worship 3/4/12
Visit from the Matthew Tuttle Family
The Matthew Tuttle family from The Netherlands came to Barcelona to minister in our church this past month. The church was tremendously blessed by them and there were 3 that received the baptism of the Holy Ghost that Sunday.
Rev. Matthew Tuttle
Thank You!
Thank you for all your prayers and support.

Together we are claiming Spain
in Jesus' name!

God Bless,

Nathan, Tanya, Alaina and Lincoln Harrod

Family of 4
Harrod Family
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In August of 2012 we will be coming to the states for our scheduled deputation. If you are interested in having our family for a service please contact your Global Missions District Director. With your help we will be able to return to the field as quickly as possible. You can click on the link to see what districts we will be in.

Monday, March 5, 2012

~David F. Gray Memorial Bible School / Vanuatu, South Pacific

PROJECT: David F. Gray Memorial Bible School

The desire of Missionary Lee Sherry in Vanuatu, South Pacific is to see the completion of this Bible School. You will be seeing and hearing a lot of information concerning this project in the coming months. Please be much in prayer about what you could do to help...there is a need of approximately $200,000 dollars to finish this building. 

Below are some photos of the structure as it now stands:

The Sherry family is now home on deputation for approximately one year...they would like to complete this Bible School during their next term in office. It will be completed - let's help them do it soon after their return to the island.