Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Monday, August 27, 2012

~WD GMD 'Youth Impact Team' Guatemala 2012

~Day 4 - A Visit to the Orphanage Property in Guatemala

We had just arrived at the property

Listening to Sis. Lynne explain plans

Sis. Lynne showing plans to Sis. Powell and Bro. Tirso Gonzales.

Sis. Yesenia, Sis. Holly and Sis. Rachel

Sis. Powell asking a question about the plans

Walking the property with Bro. Luke

Looking down the back wall of the property

Exiting from the back wall where there will be a gate

Outside the back wall listening to Bro. Luke explain the plans

WD GMD 'Youth Impact Team'

Tree branches cut and used as stakes begin to sprout in the fertile soil.

Caretaker's residence will eventually be a guest house for visitors.

Bro. Tirso tried his hand at using a machete...

Sis. Powell liked this 'Rubber' tree

Leaving the Orphanage property

H.O.M.E. International - a worthy project deserving of your support - GET ON BOARD TODAY!

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