Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

~WD GMD 'Youth Impact Team ' - Guatemala 2012

~Day 7 Saturday Aug. 18th, 2012

End of Youth Week activities:

School where youth activities were held.

In preparation for the activities we swept and cleaned this entire area, cleaned and setup chairs in classroom where service was held in the afternoon.

Jerry E. Powell with two of the beautiful young ladies who were part of the day's activities.

Young people gathering prior to fun and games to receive instructions for the afternoon.

Tirso Gonzales and Luke Campbell prior to activities.

This was really funny to watch...sack races.

Group photo of the young people who participated.

Andrea Powell addressing the young people.

Joseph Castro speaking to the young people...he did a great job. This group of young people was very well-behaved and very attentive. Samantha Campbell provided the translation into Spanish.

They listened, were touched and prayed in the altar.

Joseph Castro making an appeal to the young people and they responded.

Praying and seeking God.

Andrea Powell fell in love with the Guatemalan children.

He couldn't leave without some homemade food prepared by the ladies of the church...I was glad he shared a little with me.

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