In September, 2011 I was approached by a lady in our church whose husband happened to be working in China at the time. She asked, "
Are you ready to go to China?" Without hesitation I replied, "Yes!" Sixteen months prior, while listening to my professor talk about
a recent trip he had made to China,
the Lord quickened in my spirit that I would one day visit this country. The husband of the lady who approached me travels to China four times a year with his job. His company allows him to fly first class, but if he flies economy they will pay the air flight for a friend. As a result, on October 15, 2011, I left Memphis, TN for a thirteen-day trip to China. After a layover in Seattle, we boarded our plane for a twelve-hour flight to Beijing, China.
As God would have it, the man in our church got bumped from economy seating to first class. I love how God works.
Prior to my trip, I had contacted Bro. Xenn with some questions regarding the forms for a Chinese Visa. During our correspondence
he mentioned the possibility of me connecting with the underground Chinese church. Things came together and after spending a few days of sightseeing in Beijing, I flew to Chengdu, Szechuan to meet Bro. Caleb.
The following four days were the highlight of my trip. Bro. Caleb hosted a leadership training seminar where I spoke on "Helping People Change." Several pastors and key leaders were in attendance, about thirty people total. On Friday, I taught for over six hours.
A beautiful move of the Spirit swept through several times as people received the Word of God.
The following evening, after a day of fellowship and sightseeing, I met with a Chinese pastor and his wife.
Together, they pastor sixteen churches with over 1000 people. They are currently training 100 leaders and wanted to know if I had any thoughts as to what they should be doing with regards to leadership training. God used Bro. Caleb and me to minister to this couple. It was a humbling experience. Another Chinese pastor had joined our meeting; near the end of our time together, he began talking about the United States. He remarked that America was losing the battle for morality and, consequently, our support for Israel had lessened. He said if America did not reverse the current trend, America would end up where China has been. He could speak some English and he said, "
I want to pray for America and Israel." As he began to pray I began to weep. I was in a nation that does not allow freedom of worship, and this man was praying for United States, a nation that allows freedom of worship but is walking away from God.
It was one of the most powerful prayers I have heard. I understood at that moment, clearer than ever, why I believe the end time revival will come primarily through the church in China.
On Sunday,
I was privileged to minister in a house church Bro. Caleb started one year ago.
There were nearly 50 people in attendance. We stood shoulder to shoulder in the living room and hallway of an apartment and worshipped God. The expression of joy on the faces of these people as they sang songs of worship was absolutely beautiful. A young lady who is blind led us in singing. She helped to usher us into the presence of God. The Lord ministered a direct word for the congregation and people were touched. Afterwards, several ladies fixed a wonderful Chinese meal. After dinner we made our way back to Chengdu were
we had another service; this service took place in Bro. Caleb's home. Again, the presence of the Lord was manifested and the people were touched. Bro. Caleb was the most gracious host. I immediately fell in love with him and his family. He is a man appointed by God "for such a time as this."
There is much I could say about my visit to China. The country is beautiful. The Great Wall is incredible. And the people are friendly. But what stands out the most is the
hand of God that is upon the church in China. These people do not have the freedom of worship as we have. They do not have the resources we have. They do not have the church buildings we have.
But they do not need buildings. And in spite of the lack of resources the Chinese church is
experiencing a great revival because the Chinese church has God.
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